Clomid x 2 cycles ..... BFN. 6/08 Gonal F with TI- BFN. 7/08 Gonal F #2 - IUI 7/11, BFN. 9/22/08 IUI #2 and Accupuncture - Chemical Pregnancy. 11/08 IUI #3 with accupuncture - BFN. 12/08 IUI #4 BFN. 5/09 IVF #1 ER 7/6/09, ET 7/9/09 - BFN. FET 12/18/09 - BFN
IVF #2 -ER 3/6, ET 3/9, OMG - BFP!!! Beta #1 3/22 -332, Beta #2 3/24 - 701, Beta #3 - 14,889 - 1st u/s - TWINS!!
***Why can't 88 million sperm and 3 eggs find each other in an organ the size of a pear??***

In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins--not through strength but by perseverance. - H. Jackson Brown
Re: DSNG and graco snugride 35?
i've been looking into strollers and car seats and was on the babytrend website today. they list the compatible car seats for the dsng and for graco it just has the snugride and the snugride32
(i think i did that right)
Me too. However, I sometimes wish we'd gone with lighter ones than the 35's. They are pretty big and heavy to carry around! The fact that they are rated so highly for safety makes it worth it, though.
Thanks!! I did email the company, but it's the weekend and I don't expect an answer anytime soon.
I was hoping they would fit, seeing that the Snugride 32 and the Snugride 35 can use the same carseat base.
Thanks again!!
Me too - they work just great!!