
C section ladies

This was my second c section. I had a one week follow up after delivery because of pre-e BP check. He said the incision looked good i thought i had a keloid on the scar (no biggy didn't even ask about it) the scar has been itchy so i know it is healing and I still have pain. Well i look at it again today and it actually looks like a very small portion of the incision opened. Doesn't look infected at all just red no puss. Anyone have this happen? Did you put Neosporin or hydrocortisone creme on it?  Docs office is closed, going to call on monday and have them take a look but figured since it doesn't look infected i'd do what i could at home till i go in

Re: C section ladies

  • Don't they sell butterfly tape at the pharmacy? If so, I'd get some of that and do neosporin. I wouldn't do hydrocortisone. Or you could always ask the pharmacist, they might be able to help.
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  • I had a C-section 3 weeks ago.  About one inch of my incision reopened.  I have frequent follow up appointments with my OB to treat it.  She used surgical tape on it and it started to close up.  I had a couple of stitches put in this week.  She mentioned that it is ok to shower, but pay special attention to the opening and ensure it is thoroughly dried.  I also tape gauze over the area.  I would recommend the surgical strips and gauze until you can be seen.  Good luck!

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