Cloth Diapering

Can i get away with this?

I've started washing my baby's clothes in All Free and Clear. could it be used for cloth diapers or no way? I was planning on purchasing some Rocking Green but if I can use All Free and Clear to get this done that'd be awesome.



Re: Can i get away with this?

  • thats what most of the mama's on gDiaper's FB page use... and it's ranked highly on the CD detergent lists!
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  • I am new to the CD world, but from what I have read free and clear detergents are not the best for CD. However, with no experience with it, I cannot say for sure.

    Here is one site where I read about it:

    There are other sources out there if you look around. I use All Free and Clear for LO's clothing, but I just decided to suck it up and buy a different one for the CD's.

    Good luck!

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  • I used it on my diapers once (on accident) and they were okay, so I did it again on purpose.  Totally screwed them up by that time, lol.

    I had to strip them.

    I vote no :)

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  • I used all free and clear and had major build up and my diapers started leaking...I wouldn't recommend it.
  • I think that's one of the ones on the list I read that only got 3/5 stars because it's got brighteners.

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