DH and I were just sorting our LO's clothes last night and I got to thinking about how well his fluffy butt is going to fit in these clothes. Do many of you using CDs have issues with butts being to fluffy? Would onesie extenders help with the majority of this problem?
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Re: CDs fitting under clothes?
The Bee Hive Blog
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Yeah, I noticed last night the Gerber ones are TINY!
Thanks ladies!
The Gerber onesies are tiny, even over disposables
Fitting CDs under clothes was a big issue for us when we first started with DD, at 15 months old. She had just grown into most of her 18-month pants, and suddenly, none of them fit
Huge bummer! It hasn't really been an issue for DS yet, because I know what bottoms will work well over CD's. And I know to pull out his larger-sized bottoms well in advance, so I still get plenty of use out of them.
Mommy to DD1 (June 2007), DS (January 2010), DD2 (July 2012), and The Next One (EDD 3/31/2015)
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