Cloth Diapering

CDs fitting under clothes?

DH and I were just sorting our LO's clothes last night and I got to thinking about how well his fluffy butt is going to fit in these clothes. Do many of you using CDs have issues with butts being to fluffy? Would onesie extenders help with the majority of this problem? 

SEAHAWKS! And... Macklemore. Seattle's WINNING! 

Re: CDs fitting under clothes?

  • It really hasn't been an issue for us.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • sometimes we have to go a size up in pants, but other than that we haven't had any issues.
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  • It depends on the clothes.  The Gerber onesies run really small so we had some issues there but not with the Carters.
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  • imageMrs.B6302007:
    It depends on the clothes.  The Gerber onesies run really small so we had some issues there but not with the Carters.


    Yeah, I noticed last night the Gerber ones are TINY! 

    Thanks ladies!  

    SEAHAWKS! And... Macklemore. Seattle's WINNING! 
  • It hasn't been an issue. Or we go up a size and the problem is solved.
  • The Gerber onesies are tiny, even over disposables Smile

    Fitting CDs under clothes was a big issue for us when we first started with DD, at 15 months old. She had just grown into most of her 18-month pants, and suddenly, none of them fit Sad Huge bummer! It hasn't really been an issue for DS yet, because I know what bottoms will work well over CD's. And I know to pull out his larger-sized bottoms well in advance, so I still get plenty of use out of them.

    Mommy to DD1 (June 2007), DS (January 2010), DD2 (July 2012), and The Next One (EDD 3/31/2015)

  • No issues during the day, he gets a little puffy at night when I stuff his dipey with extra cloth, then I just use stretchier bottoms, or ajust the cloth so its not all shoved in back, it just looks silly when DS's got a little ghetto booty! lol
  • This was definitely an issue for us when we started CDing DD at 18 months (a little late I know) I tried a bunch of different diapers and found the ones that were the trimmest and it isn't an issue anymore (actually we've since moved on to trainers but for the next baby I'm hoping we've solved this problem)...I couldn't upsize her pants because they were way too long if I did I would suggest finding some good trim diapers for fitting under pants/onesies...Softbums are super trim (we get the bamboo inserts and those are also super absorbent). We've also found Happy Heiny's to be good and trim on our DD and BG 3.0' that is the majority of our stash...I've also heard good things about Bottombumpers and grasshopper diapers for trimness...
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  • Our DS still fit into most of his clothes after we started CDing...except his jammies and jeans. I had to go up a size because the little cotton jammy bottoms would only go halfway over his bum.
    Mom to six awesome kids - Levi is 12, Landen is 8, Gabrielle is 6, Lucas is 3, and Oliver and Samuel are 2 years old. Love my crew. Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • we didnt start CDin'g till DS was almost 18 months old and actually CD's helped Ds's clothes fit better cuz he's super skinny and when we got up a size for length the lil bit of bulk of the diaper helps in pants!! but we use mainly BG AIO's and they are pretty trim!
    imageLilypie Third Birthday tickers
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