
Car travel with 3m olds...?s

I'm desperate for advice! ?I am super stressed about this wedding we have to go to in 3 weeks (have to go--I'm a bridesmaid, ack!). ?We will be driving for about 8 hours each way (Boston to DC). ?I' just looking for advice and suggestions on the best ways to do long car trips with 3m olds. ?

How often should we stop for breaks? ?Will they be ok in their car seats for that long? ?What should I bring to "entertain" them when they're awake in their car seats? ?Has anyone done a long car trip with babies (about) this age, and how was it? ?What worked well? ?What do you wish you had done differently??

Any advice is SO appreciated! ?Thanks!?

Re: Car travel with 3m olds...?s

  • We took them to Boston from here (3.5 hours) when they were 4 months and they did great.  They still sleep a lot at that point so we were able to leave right around the time they were due for the morning nap, stopped when it was time to eat and let them all out to play for a bit then back in the car and I sat in the back set to talk to them.  Once we got there we were surprised how well it went.  We have taken many trips like this in the past year and they always do great.  Just time it with their naps/eating schedule and go with it! :)
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  • I tried to time our trip a couple of weeks ago with their schedule...didn't happen! Basically we drove until they were ready to stop and eat and it helped having someone back there with them to entertain. Also, we hung up some swinging toys on the garment hooks and they thought that was a hoot! 

    Our trip was 12 hours, 6 horus each day. It can be done but don't get to frustrated if they are too excited to sleep when they are supposed to and their schedule gets all whacky.

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  • We did an 8 hour trip when they were 3 weeks shy of their 3 month birthday. 

    On the way there and back we stopped halfway for a long stop (1 to 2 hours).  And then did quick stops for gas/feedings in between as needed. 

    When we left, we left early in the AM, so they were fed, and then went right back to sleep in their car seats for their nap, and slept until the halfway point. 

    I bought a lot of toys that hang from the top bar of the car seat.  That kept htem occupied.  I also sat in between them during some of the trip to talk/sing, etc.  to keep them entertained.  They slept the majority of the time.

    Do they do well in the car as it is? If so, the trip will probably be pretty easy.  My friend took her daughter on a trip that was only 3 hours long at the same age.  She HATED the car, and so their travel took FOREVER b/c they were constantly stopping.  My girls love the car.

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  • We did a 8 hour trip when the girls were 3mts old.  We left around the time they go down for the afternoon nap.  So they were feed and dry and sleep for 5 hours.  We stopped at a rest stop and changed and feed them and just had them out of thier seat for a while. They stayed awake about 30mins just looking out the window before they went to sleep.  Usually the moving car will put them to sleep. 

     But once we got to FL they did not like getting in and out of the car for short ride and they cried alot when we had to do that.  My advice would be to try and travel during the times that they sleep and give them plenty of time out of their seat.

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