
I don't post here often but update on me

I got a call today and we are next on the list for our home study!

We are going through the government to become foster parents with the intent to possibly adopt. We are so excited but scared and nervous at the same time. 

We have already had our references, and completed the first questionnaire about our families growing up. Does any one have any suggestions?

This is separate from the safety stuff where we need to lock up the medications. We do that part later.

Thanks for any advice ladies!
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Re: I don't post here often but update on me

  • Nice!  How long is the homestudy process where you are for that path?


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  • The lady will hopefully call this week to set up a time for the first appointment. We meet with her 3 times and she writes up her recommendation. I think it should take up to 2 months maybe?

    After we are approved we get a safety study where they check to make sure we have everything in place for safety. I am hoping to be licensed and waiting for children by Christmas or the new year.
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