Pregnant after 35

CVS - Fish Results Q?

How did you get your FISH results?  Did the doctor call you or did you need to go into the office for a consult?  Thanks!

Re: CVS - Fish Results Q?

  • We were already at the guy's office (the guy why did my CVS) b/c I had a post-procedure complication and he was checking that it was healing properly. So the results came back while we were talking to the guy and he told us what the results were right on the spot.

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  • Our genetic counselor phoned us the next day at a designated time.  DH wanted to make sure he was home from work so that we could take the call together.
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  • It was just a phone call for me confirming that we didn't have any extra or missing chromosomes and to tell us the sex. Big Smile
    I am a Wonder-Mom!
    DD#1 - January 2008
    DD#2 - September 2010
  • Amnio on Friday afternoon, phone call from genetic counselor on Monday (normal results). The "official" letter came about a week later after the full panel was finalized.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Girl P - 11/15/10
  • Thank you all.
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