My son is a 31 weeker born 7/24/10, so he is at 36 weeks gestation this week. He is current home and feeding by bottle, and I'm wondering how much he should be taking per feeding?
He was on 35 ml when he left the hospital, but is currently taking around 50ml every three hours. Does this sound about right? He is not latching, so I am feeding pumped breast milk. He seems like he is gaining weight, but I'm wondering how this amount compares to other people's experiences.
Re: How many ounces/ml per feeding?
That's probably pretty close to what he requires then.
Lots of people say multiply weight by 2.5 for overall daily intake. So if your LO weighs 5 pounds, then he needs about 12.5 ounces per day. Divide that by 8 feedings a day (every 3 hours) and you get 1.5 ounces or about 45 mLs per feeding. If LO seems happy, then he's getting enough to eat.