Does anyone know if to play the games you need to have the game in the Leapster, or do you download it onto the device? (specifically the Explorer, but I assume they are all the same).
I'm asking because I don't know if I need 2 of the same games for 2 diff Leapsters. I bought the boys each one for their B-day. Most games they can share, but I think I might need 2 of the Toy Story game...unless it is just something I download onto the machine and only need to buy one.
I tried looking on their site, but didn't see the answer (didn't look THAT carefully either).
Re: Question about Leapster/Explorer Games..
yes, the games have to be put into the explorer to play them. So if you bought one Toy Story game, they would have to share it.
I just bought E&B L2's. You can only download from the computer that free game it comes with. Everything else is a cartridge game. E&B both love SHape Shop and really wish now I had loaded it into both games. I had no idea how much they'd like it. I just wish it was a cartridge game.....
(hint hint, if anyone knows that it is and i don't know it yet, good gawd let me know!!)
I'm so excited about it.....I am hoping they have the attention span's to actually play with it. So far they haven't showed a lot of interest in those types of things, although they have never had anything this advanced either. I got 2 Leapster Explorers, headphones, 4 video games, and 2 packs of the downloadable computer cards for $168. I think I was even more excited about that!! (Someone posted codes the other day, but I'm not sure they are valid anymore)
$168? How in the hell did you pull that off? Gawd!
E&B have only recently started showing interest in stuff like this so I started small first with two $20 LF toys. That took off so I got the L2's. On the site, there are a ton of complaints about them - people like the original L better than the L2 or the E. I like the L2's just fine. I just coudln't find the pink one for Brooke. Im bummed about that.
Aw crap...what types of complaints? I hope they like them. Even though I got a great deal, I will be p'ed off if I spent that much on something that winds up just sitting there.
There was some deal where you get 20% off if you buy a bundle with 3 or more video I bought 2 LE's and 4 video games and got a decent discount....then there was another code for 25% off your entire I wound saving over $100 total. I think it was about 40% off!
Here is the link again for the discount on the leapster explorer for anyone who is interested.
I'm sure I can think of some improvements on the leapster explorer as well but I think it's so much nicer than the older models. The screen is so much brighter & clearer. My dd got hers for her bday & she plays with it every day. It has been one of the best purchases I have bought. We even went to dinner last night, we both of our explorers, the girls could watch leapfrog movies & play games after they were done eating which made dinner 100% more enjoyable than usual.