DH is determined to name LO Chancellor if it's a boy. I really don't have anything against this name except that I know he is only going that route so he can call him Chance, which I really dislike. So give me some reasons to tell DH no to Chancellor.
Re: Help nix this name
Because it's a stupid name? Chance isn't horrible, but Chancellor is just ridiculous.
Has your DH ever heard of the word compromise? Wait, don't tell him that. He might want to name your LO that!
Seriously, you both need to agree on the name. He can't just dictate to you what your LO's name will be. Just make sure he realizes that YOU complete the birth certificate.
This exactly.
Growing Up Olson
Agree. Just name the kid Chance. That is a fine name!
Married since 06/19/2004|Anna born 11/19/2006|Charles born 11/1/11
Double undergrad graduation May 2011| Me: Psychology, DH: Communication| A long journey!
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How about using it as a middle name? That way it'll be a compromise.