Over the last 2 weeks my BM supply has plummeted and I have no idea why. I pump around the same time I have for months, drink enough water. I've gotten AF once and that didn't seem to have an effect, anyone else have this happen? I wanted to keep BFing, but I'm not going to stress myself out about it at this point, but I was really hoping I could last to 10 months if not 12
Re: BM Supply
IT seemed to happen to me the more solids he was eating. Once I realized my supply kept going down I just started a long slow gradual wean (from about 8 to 10 months).
Are you still nursing him when you are home? I know with me his interest in nursing kind of decreased too so I think that had something to do with it.
I've had supply issues a few times so far. I usually up my water (even if I'm already drinking a lot), eat oatmeal and oatmeal cookies and take fenugreek for like a week...I take 3 610 mg pills 4 times a day to jumpstart it. It sucks for sleep, but I've also added another pumping session in the middle of the night when I needed to.
I've always been able to get it up again with those tricks. It is hard, but try not to stress over the supply issues because that can hurt it too!
Happy Birthday, little man. We love you so much!
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The mom of the 11 month old I watch is going through this (she also started giving him water in his bottles w/ "meals" and starts solids @ 4 months and he eats a ton, so therefore he doesn't want to nurse- but that's a whole other post.) I think she is down to 3 nursing sessions a day- so the 2 days a week they are with me, she only pumps once and she is getting half of what she used to. How many times a day are you nursing him?
The nursing is more of a trigger to keep your supply going vs. pumping. I know they have to work harder to get milk from the source vs. from a bottle, but more nursing sessions should equal greater output when you pump.
I know as they get older it's harder to keep them focused.
My supply tanked around 9 months for no real reason. I found the more I nursed, the more I had - so if I nursed all weekend, my supply was great Mon-Wed and then thurs & fri was like getting water from stones.
I think if you really want to keep it up, you may have to do the night feeding. Try it this weekend when you can take sleep in or take a nap and see if it helps.