Just on a work trip at the end of the month, but he's going to be gone for an entire week (definitely Mon-Fri and maybe even Sun-Sat depending on when they end up booking his plane flights). It's a really good training opportunity and he'll have a very marketable IT certification at the end of it, but I'm a little down at the idea of being on solo parenting duty for a week.
I know a lot of women do it all the time (husbands who travel a lot or are in the military, etc.), and I'm sure it will be fine, but I'm still not looking forward to it. I'm a big ole wuss lol!
I know MIL will probably want to come over every day that he's gone...I hope I don't sound like too much of a b!tch when I say that I hope she doesn't - sometimes it's easier just to do something by yourself than with someone you have to train or who wants to do things differently to you, you know?
Re: DH is going away :-(
LOL. But honestly, it probably IS easier to do it yourself =P
Bummer on YH being gone, but I'm glad it's for a good opportunity! I know you'll be okay Maybe you can use the extra alone time with the boys to try teach them to say "mama" first =P
LMAO good idea! Ben thinks they're saying it already - "No, honey, they're just making mmmmma sounds."
Actually, my goal is to get them to say Dada first. That way when they scream "Daaaadaaaaa!" in the middle of the night, I can say, "They want you, Ben," and turn over and go back to sleep... Hey, a girl can dream, right?!
hahaha. hope MIL doesn't spend too much time with you regardless, you're going to do great!
Jaime & Brent
Oahu, Hawaii | Sept. 9, 2005
My Food Blog - Good Eats 'n Sweet Treats
Ooooh...I like this idea!