Babies: 9 - 12 Months

I didn't want to do it :(

I made a vintage signature. I can't believe this year went by so fast. I swore I wouldn't get sentimental ha!

Re: I didn't want to do it :(

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    I prefer not to put DD's pic in my siggy, but if I did I absolutely REFUSE to do a vintage pic.  I already start crying just thinking about her damn bday party!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I always laughed at those girls that got all emotional over their kid turning one and thought it was totally lame.

    Guess who has two thumbs and was crying over newborn pictures of Natalie. THIS GIRL!

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker NATALIE - 9/13/09 HANNAH - 6/8/12
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    LOL I really thought I'd be ok. I've been through it before with the older kids. I was certain this one wouldn't be a big deal. Then I decided to start working on a first year video. o...m....g! Amazing how things change when you get really close to the big 1.
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    Cute pics, I need to get a vintage pic up too.

    I'm starting to get teary about it too and just a few months ago I thought all the crying mamas were kind of silly.

    J - 9/6/09 L and A - 1/17/12
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