Texas Babies

Birth Experiences at Methodist hospital?

I'm planning on delivering at the Methodist Women's Pavilion in medical center in November. I've heard good things about the staff and rooms, but I'm hoping for a birth experience with as little intervention as possible during labor and after the birth. I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with this type of situation. Like how was the staff with listening and following through with your wishes. ( I preface all my wishes with the fact that I will allow whatever intervention is absolutely necessary). I want to be able to walk around and labor in different positions, possibly in a birthing tub if it's available (not give birth in the tub). I don't want an epidural ( I say that now...lol) I don't want an episiotomy,  I want to hold my son as soon as he's born and leave the cord attached until it's done pulsing, and I want to breast feed immediately. Anyone with a similar plan please share your experience!!! Thanks!!

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Re: Birth Experiences at Methodist hospital?

  • I just delivered there in July and had an awesome experience.  I am not sure about a birth experience with as little intervention as possible or like your wishes.  I was a scheduled induction and was 99 percent positive I was going to end in a C section.  Which I did.   I did not have many wishes, I did want to breastfeed immediately, but when they are telling you your baby is having respiratory distress (thats a whole another issue and my only unpleasant experience) you can not breastfeed especially when she is in the transition nursery which is linked to the NICU.  During my birth class they state they are pro breastfeeding and you get to have the baby with you for a hour or so and try to breastfeed.  They do have to take the baby to the nursery for its initial assessment.  After that the baby comes to you and stays in the room the majority of the time.  In the evening they took her back to the nursery to weigh her, draw her newborn screen and bili level, but she came right back to me. You can walk around in your room, just not that hallways and that is pretty much policy at any hospital.  It is a safety and liability thing.  There are no birthing tubs, just showers.  I believe you can shower as long as your water is not broken.  The epidural is your call, so if you do not want one, you will not get one. An episiotomy and having the cord still attached is up to your OB I would guess, so I would talk to her/him about that.  But then you have to see is your OB going to be there no matter what time or day it is or do they share call within the practice or other obs?  When you get admitted they do ask if you have a birth plan or wishes and they claim they will follow through.  I only had a few wishes, overall I had an awesome experience and the staff was wonderful.

  • Oh and another thing is Methodist Stone Oak, you stay in one room the whole time and your baby stays with you.  Not sure if you OB delivers over there, mine did not.
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  • I had a med free birth at Methodist med center (click Sarah's Birth Story in my siggy).  I had an awesome, awesome nurse.  The hospital is actually very big on birth plans - they even tell you during the tour to have one!  The biggest thing is that you need to make sure your OB is cool with your birthplan.  Things like episiotomies, cutting the cord etc. will be determined by him/her.  If your OB does not feel the same way about those items in your birth plan, it wouldn't matter what hospital you deliver at!

    No birthing tubs, but no problem walking around and changing positions.  The nurse I had was very good about helping me move around and giving DH and I suggestions. 

    Hope that helps!  Good luck! 

  • Thanks guys! This is my first baby so that's why I really want to be in a hospital and have the choice of the epidural, but I also feel really strongly about being able to bond with my baby as soon as possible. I will most likely go to a birth center with any future births, but again, I'm pretty apprehensive about trying that for my first birth. My OB wasn't big on me having a birth plan because I would assume people put it on paper and get really attached to it and it makes their job more difficult if something has to change, but overall I'm  pretty much a "go with the flow" type of person, and no I don't think he delivers at the Stone Oak Location, but ya'll's replies are very helpful and appreciated!!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagealliwalton:
    Oh and another thing is Methodist Stone Oak, you stay in one room the whole time and your baby stays with you.  Not sure if you OB delivers over there, mine did not.

    Thanks for the info on stone oak! I will be delivering there :) My peek-a-boo tour is scheduled for the 29th. I didn't realize you stay in one room (even as a postpartum patient?). I'm assuming the baby goes to the nursery for the initial assessment at some point...right? 

  • I didn't deliver at Methodist, but I have several friends who've delivered there within the last year and they all had wonderful things to say about their experience. 
  • imageTonya&Cody:

    Oh and another thing is Methodist Stone Oak, you stay in one room the whole time and your baby stays with you.  Not sure if you OB delivers over there, mine did not.

    Thanks for the info on stone oak! I will be delivering there :) My peek-a-boo tour is scheduled for the 29th. I didn't realize you stay in one room (even as a postpartum patient?). I'm assuming the baby goes to the nursery for the initial assessment at some point...right? 

    From my understanding when I took the birthing class is that everything happens in your room at Stone Oak, even the initial assessment. Thats what the teacher said and you stay in the one room for everything.

  • imagealliwalton:

    Oh and another thing is Methodist Stone Oak, you stay in one room the whole time and your baby stays with you.  Not sure if you OB delivers over there, mine did not.

    Thanks for the info on stone oak! I will be delivering there :) My peek-a-boo tour is scheduled for the 29th. I didn't realize you stay in one room (even as a postpartum patient?). I'm assuming the baby goes to the nursery for the initial assessment at some point...right? 

    From my understanding when I took the birthing class is that everything happens in your room at Stone Oak, even the initial assessment. Thats what the teacher said and you stay in the one room for everything.


    I'm delivering at Stone Oak as well and was told the same thing during my peek-a-boo tour, excpet that the room does change when postpartum.  But the baby stays with you at all times, they dont even use thier nursery...it was weird when I saw it the nursery was dark with no beds in it.  But comforting that I will know where my son is at all times.

  • It's good to have a plan but things could go in a totally different direction, so just be prepared. Is this your first baby? I also wanted less intervention but after a few very painful contractions (walking made it worse for me btw) I requested an epidural right away and am so glad I did, it was amazing. I also didn't want an episiotomy but needed to have one after pushing for 1.5 hrs, my baby was big! It heals quickly and it's better than tearing all the way to your anus (sorry if TMI).

    Hopefully your experience will be great, good luck! 

    Me: 44 DH: 42. DS born healthy at 40 weeks 8/24/09. TTC since then with no luck or ART. Surprise BFP 8/6/14... MMC @ 8 weeks 4 days... Miss you everyday sweet baby angel.
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