I've been back to work and pumping for about one month and I'm beginning to think that I need a smaller size flange. At work I use the Medela Lactina with size 24mm and at home I have an Ameda ultra with the size 25mm flange. The Ameda came with two sizes larger, but I think I need a smaller size.
From what I've read, very few women need the smaller size, so I'm not sure if I'm doing it wrong. Pumping isn't painful, but my nipples have been getting sore. From pictures I've found online, I believe too much of my areola gets sucked in. I've also been trying to increase my supply for the past month to no avail. I pump about 9 oz a day, which DD manages with, but would really prefer a little more.
I've also looked into the pumpin pal. Anyone have these? I like that I could use it with both the medela and ameda, so I wouldn't have to buy two extra sets of flanges.
Re: Flange fit? Pumpin pal?
I have the opposite problem. I use ameda flanges and the 32 is too small, 36 is too big (I think).
The pumpin pal looks really interesting... hmm.
Even the small size that Medela makes (21mm, I think) are too big for me. I use the medium pumpin' pals ones and I love them! They are way more comfortable than any of the Medela flanges I tried. They are very forgiving as far as fit goes, as well.
I ordered just the medium, since I knew they were going to be plenty big and saved the money on their set.
I don't think I pump more with them, but it makes pumping much more bearable so I can pump more often.