Alabama Babies

Clayliover - Friday morning update

Sorry, wish this one could be another 'non-update.'  But it's not.  Nothing terrible though (before anyone gets too worried about reading the rest of this - neither baby has been born yet).

Clayli's u/s yesterday showed Baby B looking perfect and her fluid levels were awesome.  Baby A's fluid, however, was very, very low.  Not dangerously low - but enough to concern the doctors.  I know we've been holding on to the hope that the Indocin, the med Clayli's been on to ward of contractions, was the culprit responsible for the low fluids.  Indocin reduces the function of the baby's kidneys and therefore lowers the urine output.  But because only Baby A has the lower fluid and Baby B doesn't seem to be affected, this is making the doctors lean more towards a water bag rupture.

Now, even if Baby A's water has ruptured, they've already got Clayli on antibiotics and have had her on them since she got there.  They've been treating her as if one of the waters had broken.  Infection at this point could be really bad, so they're already doing everything they can to keep infection at bay.

The doctors took Clayli off of the Indocin last night, with the hopes that Baby A's kidneys can hopefully pick up and produce more urine and replenish the fluids around her.

And of course, since she's off the Indocin, Clayli started having contractions.  I knew she had some last night, but I guess she had to have 5 in an hour before they'd do more than just keep an eye on it.  She said she's had 8 between 6am and 8:30am this morning though, and while they don't seem to be coming faster or closer together, they are definitely picking up in intensity.  When I called to talk to her this morning, she was crying because they hurt so bad.  :-(

She was going to finish up her breakfast and then try to squeeze in a quick shower.  She fully expects to be sent back down to L&D and put back on the Mag. 

So, nothing terrible.  Just a tiny set-back.  She knows the contractions are because they stopped the Indocin, and she's confident the doctors will do something to stop the ctx again.

She really doesn't like that today is Friday the 13th.  Such a silly superstition!  But, if you know any good stories about Friday the 13ths, I'll pass them on to her and try to calm her susperstitions.  (the fact that my DH was born on a Friday the 13th did nothing for her, lol). 

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Re: Clayliover - Friday morning update

  • Bless her heart. I hope Baby A's fluid picks back up and that Clayli's contractions slow back down and decrease in intensity. 

    I don't have any Friday the 13th stories, but I wanted to praise UAB again.  My cousin had her little girl there at 23.5 weeks two years ago.  It was a LONG road, but Laurie is a very healthy 2 year old now.  And another girl on our board had her little girl there last June (wasn't Kristi 26 weeks when she had Sarah?).

  • THank you for keeping us updated!
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  • Thanks for the update, I hope things slow down and Baby A can stay in as long as possible!

    Amy--yes, Sarah was born at 26 weeks, but it was in July ;)

  • Thanks for the update! I hope the contractions stop and she is able to avoid a trip to L&D.
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    m/c 05/2009
    DD born 8/9/10
    TTC #2 since 8/2012
    CP 12/2012
    dx MFI 10/2013
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    Beta #3 29 dpo HCG 44580 Prog 29.8

  • Thanks for keeping us updated!

    No happy stories for Friday the 13th, but here's my go at making her feel better (I'm a former History major):  Friday the 13th superstition comes from October 13, 1307.  So since the superstition originated on October 13th tell her there's nothing to worry about for August 13! 

  • lax - thank you so much for updating regularly.  Another preemie mom here is periodically updating our preemie board as well.

    Every baby is so different, but for what it's worth, I ruptured at 23w1d.  Granted it was a single birth, but I had almost no measurable fluid until I delivered at 27w3d.  I also wasn't contracting, but we're a pretty good example that babies with little to no fluid can do surprisingly well.  We had a long NICU stay with three months on O2, but DD is one year old now and has exactly ZERO lasting effects (that we currently know of) from her prematurity/NICU stay/time on the vent/O2, etc.  She's quite small, but that's it.  I can handle small, no problem.  We're certainly a best case scenario, but those are the things that I wanted to hear about while I was on bedrest for four+ weeks.  I had no clue that a baby could survive (much less continue to thrive) for weeks on end with little to no fluid.

    Clay is absolutely welcome to contact me if she'd like - I'm just south of Birmingham and would be MORE than happy to visit if she'd like to talk.  We were at another Birmingham area hospital, but she's in the best hands possible at UAB.  I also have quite a few regularly recommended preemie books that I'd love to pass along when she's ready.

    My email is kristiherring at and I'll PM you my cell number.


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  • My heart goes out to her. I'll be praying for her and the babies. UAB is a very good hospital so she's in good hands.
  • I'm a little late posting on this but I am praying for her.  Like Casie said she is in great hands at UAB. 

    I don't have any Friday the 13th stories either but my DH was born at 26 weeks in 1984 and he is a thriving healthy 25 year old today with absolutely no lasting effects.  I know things have changed a lot in 25 years and she has tons of prayers and good thoughts going out to her.  

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