3rd Trimester


I am happy that my SIL is keeping me in the shower loop...her and I are more on the same page as far as what I like then my BFF who is also planning. Embarrassed

Re: **FFFC**

  • I feel sympathy when I hear someone has died in an accident.  But then that sympathy goes away when I hear alcohol was involved.  (i.e. Recently a guy jumped into the river and he drowned.  But then I found out he was drunk.)  I still have sympathies for the family and friends, but not for the idiot who choose to do whatever activity it was that got him/herself killed.
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  • My co-workers are throwing me a shower next week. They gave me one of the invitations for my baby book, and the grammar is horrible! Words left out, things misspelled...I'm so embarrassed to be associated with the whole thing! Embarrassed

    I'm grateful for the shower, but for the love of God..let someone proofread!!

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  • While I am a tiny bit upset that I will not experience a vaginal birth, I am glad that I know exactly when I am having this baby.

    One of my friends is due Monday and she driving everyone crazy with all of her FB updates, texts, and general biitching about still being pregnant.  I never want to be that girl and am so glad I won't be.

  • Starting this week, DH has been sleeping on the couch because of my tossing and turning, my choking and coughing from acid/heartburn, and my getting up every hour to pee.

    I really enjoy having a king-size bed all to myself.

    "To me, you are perfect."

  • I have a huge fear of my MIL touching my son before I do.  My DH and I have had discussions about it and I made sure that we made it clear that no-one is to touch him until DH and I have been able to. 
  • I know I still have 3 weeks til my due date... but since hearing about the progress and then with what happened last night/this morning, I've been going for walks and bouncing on the yoga ball. I secretly hope he's here by next week...
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I had hoped my cousin wouldn't get pregnant right after they got married because she was so annoying about it. She was going around blabbing to everyone about how they are going to start trying on their honeymoon (which made me question if she knew how exactly the birds and the bees worked). Well, now they have been married for 8 months and I feel kind of guilty if they have been trying this whole time for wishing that on them.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
  • imagesrthomas88:
    I have a huge fear of my MIL touching my son before I do.  My DH and I have had discussions about it and I made sure that we made it clear that no-one is to touch him until DH and I have been able to. 

    I have the same fears.  We finaly told our families last night that they won't be seeing Kate until I am out of recovery and put in my room.  I don't even want people to see her before I feel like I have had enough time with her.

    My mom took it well but MIL is being a biitch about it.

  • imageKJmashup:

    Starting this week, DH has been sleeping on the couch because of my tossing and turning, my choking and coughing from acid/heartburn, and my getting up every hour to pee.

    I really enjoy having a king-size bed all to myself.

    I'm jealous.

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  • My confession: Though I've grown up in a huge family, I kind of only want one child... I've heard the horror stories of spoiled kids, but financially it seems this is the best way to ensure my child will have all he needs. Plus I get so tired of hearing my nephews and nieces argue with each other.
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  • imageLCB34:

    I have a huge fear of my MIL touching my son before I do.  My DH and I have had discussions about it and I made sure that we made it clear that no-one is to touch him until DH and I have been able to. 

    I have the same fears.  We finaly told our families last night that they won't be seeing Kate until I am out of recovery and put in my room.  I don't even want people to see her before I feel like I have had enough time with her.

    My mom took it well but MIL is being a biitch about it.

    Good for you! Your MIL will just have to get over it. Tell her to suck it. ha :)

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
  • imageLCB34:

    I have a huge fear of my MIL touching my son before I do.  My DH and I have had discussions about it and I made sure that we made it clear that no-one is to touch him until DH and I have been able to. 

    I have the same fears.  We finaly told our families last night that they won't be seeing Kate until I am out of recovery and put in my room.  I don't even want people to see her before I feel like I have had enough time with her.

    My mom took it well but MIL is being a biitch about it.

    Why do MIL's have to be this way?  (or even mothers in general)  They were all there too once.  Can't they remember what it was like?  Geesh!  Again, how does the cycle continue?!?

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  • I'm completely disgusted with my mother. I get that she lives 14hrs away and won't see the grandson as often as in-town relatives, she and stepfather are both smokers and we want a few days of peace/no guests when we get home from the hospital. She's upset that we won't let her move in with us right when we come home with the baby, and won't communicate at all. She actually drove to my town last weekend when it was my final baby shower, dropped off baby gifts with my brother and left without saying a word. But I'm the one excluding her and cutting her off. I get that she's hurt that she can't be that close right after delivery, but that's never been my style and I hate that she absolutely reeks. Her gifts (while thoughtful and generous) gave me a huge allergy attack and we had to wash everything immediately, let alone having them and their items here for a whole week along with our newborn son. There's absolutely no compromise or consideration from her unless she gets her way 100% and I am just appalled at her immaturity. 
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  • imagesrthomas88:
    I have a huge fear of my MIL touching my son before I do.  My DH and I have had discussions about it and I made sure that we made it clear that no-one is to touch him until DH and I have been able to. 

    Eeek... me too! We've got to sit down and have that talk! 

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  • imageklio79:
    I'm completely disgusted with my mother. I get that she lives 14hrs away and won't see the grandson as often as in-town relatives, she and stepfather are both smokers and we want a few days of peace/no guests when we get home from the hospital. She's upset that we won't let her move in with us right when we come home with the baby, and won't communicate at all. She actually drove to my town last weekend when it was my final baby shower, dropped off baby gifts with my brother and left without saying a word. But I'm the one excluding her and cutting her off. I get that she's hurt that she can't be that close right after delivery, but that's never been my style and I hate that she absolutely reeks. Her gifts (while thoughtful and generous) gave me a huge allergy attack and we had to wash everything immediately, let alone having them and their items here for a whole week along with our newborn son. There's absolutely no compromise or consideration from her unless she gets her way 100% and I am just appalled at her immaturity. 

     Have you mentioned this before? This sounds familiar... one idea... why can't your mom stay with your brother when baby comes? I am sorry she's being so silly about this. She needs to grow up! 

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  • imageLCB34:

    I have a huge fear of my MIL touching my son before I do.  My DH and I have had discussions about it and I made sure that we made it clear that no-one is to touch him until DH and I have been able to. 

    I have the same fears.  We finaly told our families last night that they won't be seeing Kate until I am out of recovery and put in my room.  I don't even want people to see her before I feel like I have had enough time with her.

    My mom took it well but MIL is being a biitch about it.

    That's great about your mom!  My mom took it well too, she is being supportive about the whole thing.  MIL on the other hand...agh!

  • imagejamiemsmith:

    I have a huge fear of my MIL touching my son before I do.  My DH and I have had discussions about it and I made sure that we made it clear that no-one is to touch him until DH and I have been able to. 

    I felt this was this way with my first, and I feel this way again. 

    I hope I go into labor/deliver in the middle of the night so my MIL can't stalk me with her stupid camera during the L&D like she did with DD1 (she was evicted by nurses when it came time to push). Then, she hung around trying to get her turn to hold the baby. NO ONE gets to hold my kid until her dad and big sister get to hold her.

  • imagealreeves:
    I hope SIL doesn't have her baby before our joint shower on Aug 28 (she's due Sept 12 but has already been to L & D twice for preterm labor). The reason I don't want her to have the baby? I want the day to be a little bit about me that day too instead of just the newborn that could be there.

    Rest easily knowing that at least everyone there isn't going to man handle your newborn! I doubt she wants to have the baby before the shower. I'd be freaking out if I were her!!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
  • I am thoroughly and completely disgusted by the state of the ice cream man in my neighborhood.

    Apparently, in my 'hood at least, gone are the days of the Good Humour man in the clean-looking little white truck.  He has been replaced by a sketchy looking individual in a maroon 1989 Dodge Aerostar with a minimum of 3 nasty dents on the sides, darkly tinted windows, and the product line is displayed in a haphazard way (usually a large sticker that is tilted at least 15 degrees to the right and, in some cases, literally duct taped to the side of the van.).  

    I can't tell you how this pregnant lady mourns when she hears the dulcet tones of Scott Joplin's The Entertainer come tinkling down the way, runs to grab her purse, and realizes that the "new" ice cream man is there, so there is no way she is going to purchase a Drumstik from that man, even if it was the last Drumstik on the face of the earth. 

    RIP, old skool ice cream man. 



    Unable to even.  


    You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK.  Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.

  • imagew2smd:
    I know I still have 3 weeks til my due date... but since hearing about the progress and then with what happened last night/this morning, I've been going for walks and bouncing on the yoga ball. I secretly hope he's here by next week...

    This is me too!  I'm just getting anxious...

    My FFFC is that I am tired of supervising people who have the brain the size of a pea.  I inherited some people in my section who think that by just being phyiscally present at work, this department "owes" them everything.  I try to teach them things, and they don't take notes or put forth any effort to learn.  Its frustrating me, and making my "good" employees feel like they don't need to do work either. 

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  • I'm really tired of everyone telling me that SO's dad will drop everything he is doing and drive me to the hospital should i go into labour while everyone else is doing it. He's a very nice man, but really, REALLY overwhelming and in your face. I need calmness because if anyone gets to freak out, it's going to be me. People really don't seem to get that I have a plan here...Also, no one besides SO and my sister are allowed at the hospital during labour and after delivery for at LEAST 2 hours. I would like some time to adjust to being a mom before people come rushing in and are all up in my sh!t. I'm really not sure what is so hard to understand about this.

    That is all.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagecinema_goddess:

    I am thoroughly and completely disgusted by the state of the ice cream man in my neighborhood.

    Apparently, in my 'hood at least, gone are the days of the Good Humour man in the clean-looking little white truck.  He has been replaced by a sketchy looking individual in a maroon 1989 Dodge Aerostar with a minimum of 3 nasty dents on the sides, darkly tinted windows, and the product line is displayed in a haphazard way (usually a large sticker that is tilted at least 15 degrees to the right and, in some cases, literally duct taped to the side of the van.).  

    I can't tell you how this pregnant lady mourns when she hears the dulcet tones of Scott Joplin's The Entertainer come tinkling down the way, runs to grab her purse, and realizes that the "new" ice cream man is there, so there is no way she is going to purchase a Drumstik from that man, even if it was the last Drumstik on the face of the earth. 

    RIP, old skool ice cream man. 

    Oh man, I would NOT be buying that guy's goodies!

    I think the ice cream man is a little sketchy anyway. Dented red truck or not.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
  • imagecinema_goddess:

    I am thoroughly and completely disgusted by the state of the ice cream man in my neighborhood.

    Apparently, in my 'hood at least, gone are the days of the Good Humour man in the clean-looking little white truck.  He has been replaced by a sketchy looking individual in a maroon 1989 Dodge Aerostar with a minimum of 3 nasty dents on the sides, darkly tinted windows, and the product line is displayed in a haphazard way (usually a large sticker that is tilted at least 15 degrees to the right and, in some cases, literally duct taped to the side of the van.).  

    I can't tell you how this pregnant lady mourns when she hears the dulcet tones of Scott Joplin's The Entertainer come tinkling down the way, runs to grab her purse, and realizes that the "new" ice cream man is there, so there is no way she is going to purchase a Drumstik from that man, even if it was the last Drumstik on the face of the earth. 

    RIP, old skool ice cream man. 

    Yeah I'm convinced ours sells crack not ice cream... total sketchballs! 

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  • imagecinema_goddess:

    I am thoroughly and completely disgusted by the state of the ice cream man in my neighborhood.

    Apparently, in my 'hood at least, gone are the days of the Good Humour man in the clean-looking little white truck.  He has been replaced by a sketchy looking individual in a maroon 1989 Dodge Aerostar with a minimum of 3 nasty dents on the sides, darkly tinted windows, and the product line is displayed in a haphazard way (usually a large sticker that is tilted at least 15 degrees to the right and, in some cases, literally duct taped to the side of the van.).  

    I can't tell you how this pregnant lady mourns when she hears the dulcet tones of Scott Joplin's The Entertainer come tinkling down the way, runs to grab her purse, and realizes that the "new" ice cream man is there, so there is no way she is going to purchase a Drumstik from that man, even if it was the last Drumstik on the face of the earth. 

    RIP, old skool ice cream man. 

    This made me LOL hard...

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagejamiemsmith:

    I'm completely disgusted with my mother....There's absolutely no compromise or consideration from her unless she gets her way 100% and I am just appalled at her immaturity. 

     Have you mentioned this before? This sounds familiar... one idea... why can't your mom stay with your brother when baby comes? I am sorry she's being so silly about this. She needs to grow up! 

     I have, it's just still really, really burning me a week after the shower. My brother actually lives 3hrs away (northwest instead of south, where mom is) and had to come into town especially early to get the gifts; he's not impressed either. But only mom is the one that is completely wronged by everyone...bleh. Sometimes family just really sucks.

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  • imagealreeves:

    I hope SIL doesn't have her baby before our joint shower on Aug 28 (she's due Sept 12 but has already been to L & D twice for preterm labor). The reason I don't want her to have the baby? I want the day to be a little bit about me that day too instead of just the newborn that could be there.

    Rest easily knowing that at least everyone there isn't going to man handle your newborn! I doubt she wants to have the baby before the shower. I'd be freaking out if I were her!!

    This would be me too, freaking out. But she's a total AW and posts daily about how "3 days until she can come out with no complications". She was posting this at 34 weeks. I mean, she's an educated woman in life, but damn, she just doesn't doesn't do her research on baby things and was mad when L & D stopped her labor at 32 weeks. 

    She's an idiot. Well, if she does have her baby before the shower I hope her nipples leak all over her dress. :) haha that's horrible.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
  • imageLCB34:

    I have a huge fear of my MIL touching my son before I do.  My DH and I have had discussions about it and I made sure that we made it clear that no-one is to touch him until DH and I have been able to. 

    I have the same fears.  We finaly told our families last night that they won't be seeing Kate until I am out of recovery and put in my room.  I don't even want people to see her before I feel like I have had enough time with her.

    My mom took it well but MIL is being a biitch about it.

    Yeah.  I think the shiit will hit the fan when we tell MIL about our plans.  I don't want anyone besides DH, myself and medical staff in the room for delivery and about 1-2 hours after the birth.  I have these nightmares about MIL busting in and ripping LO from my arms.  Not going to happen and I will be the biggest biitch about it if nedd be.


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagelissa_emily:
    I am very upset at whomever started to talk about Family Guy yesterday in the UO post.  I still have the stupid bird song in my head! Have you heard? Bird is the word... bird bird bird, bird is the word.  UGH!

    You just ruined my day...I will not be able to get that out of my head now!!!

    I want to be able to have my mom and/or dad in the delivery room with me and my bf just like I did with DS, but can't because if I have either of them bf's mom will have a fit!! She is the BIGGEST drama starter ever!!!! She thinks everything is about her(she even made my baby shower about her and filled with drama!), and there is NO way that DDs day is going to become about her!!!

  • Im so jealous of everyone that is having their baby right now... It is making me irritable and I can't stand it. A few close friends that are due a day before me for a week after me already have their LO's and here I sit.. pregnant.. wake up every morning,. still pregnant.. yes flameworthy but I feel like crap Sad I want to stomp my feet like a child and scream.

    ok I feel better lol


    4-7-11 - Natural MC @ 4w5d 6-27-11- MC @ 5w6dPgAL/PAL WelcomeDD#1- 8/20/2010DD#2- 6/21/2012EDD #3~ 5/1/2014 ~ Team Green
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • My FFFC:

    I hope I go into labor sooner than later.  Not necessarily because I am so anxious to see LO, but because I want a reason to not have to complete this hellacious project at work.  My motivation is nil and this project sucks.  Normally, I am not like this and hate the fact that my co-workers are going to have to pick up where I left off, but, at the end of the day, it's not my problem if LO decides to make his appearance soon.


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagemamafoxX2:

    I have a huge fear of my MIL touching my son before I do.  My DH and I have had discussions about it and I made sure that we made it clear that no-one is to touch him until DH and I have been able to. 

    I felt this was this way with my first, and I feel this way again. 

    I hope I go into labor/deliver in the middle of the night so my MIL can't stalk me with her stupid camera during the L&D like she did with DD1 (she was evicted by nurses when it came time to push). Then, she hung around trying to get her turn to hold the baby. NO ONE gets to hold my kid until her dad and big sister get to hold her.

    sneaking in from2nd tri. My ds was born and then taken to another hospital to a nicu. I didn't see him for 3 days. On day three I woke up to call from my DH that batshit crazy MIL flew her happy ass from Texas to Alaska, took a effin taxi cab to the nicu and tried to get into see my son. Before I even had a chance to see, let alone HOLD my son. She told no one she was hopping on a plane. Sneakyass ***. My dh refused to let her hold ds since I hadn't gotten to hold him yet. take that ***...now was your flight worth it?!

    It happens. I still hold a massive grudge, but pretend eveything is fine.

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  • I do not want my ILs to visit me in the hospital at all.  Which is hard because I want my mom, dad, and uncle to come.  it will be hard because SIL works in the hospital.  :( 

    DH has not told his parents the date of my c-section yet, not sure if he is going too.  I told my mom just because she is coming up to watch our son and keep him on schedule with school.  The first day I only want DH, me, and DS there with DD. 

    DH and I still need to talk about it!!

  • My confession: I watched Jersey Shore last night...on purpose. Embarrassed
  • imagealreeves:

    I am very upset at whomever started to talk about Family Guy yesterday in the UO post.  I still have the stupid bird song in my head! Have you heard? Bird is the word... bird bird bird, bird is the word.  UGH!

    You just ruined my day...I will not be able to get that out of my head now!!!

    I want to be able to have my mom and/or dad in the delivery room with me and my bf just like I did with DS, but can't because if I have either of them bf's mom will have a fit!! She is the BIGGEST drama starter ever!!!! She thinks everything is about her(she even made my baby shower about her and filled with drama!), and there is NO way that DDs day is going to become about her!!!

    Have her watch DS during labor. Or, just don't call her. We are going to call my mom when I go into labor but not calling MIL until she's here, since they live 2 hours away it will give us just enough time on our own. 

    We have thought about this, but since I only have DS every other week, he may be with his dad when I go into labor. We would also not call, but they live NEXT to the hospital. I could see there house from the hopsital..I'd have to hide my car, haha

  • imagecinema_goddess:

    I am thoroughly and completely disgusted by the state of the ice cream man in my neighborhood.

    Apparently, in my 'hood at least, gone are the days of the Good Humour man in the clean-looking little white truck.  He has been replaced by a sketchy looking individual in a maroon 1989 Dodge Aerostar with a minimum of 3 nasty dents on the sides, darkly tinted windows, and the product line is displayed in a haphazard way (usually a large sticker that is tilted at least 15 degrees to the right and, in some cases, literally duct taped to the side of the van.).  

    I can't tell you how this pregnant lady mourns when she hears the dulcet tones of Scott Joplin's The Entertainer come tinkling down the way, runs to grab her purse, and realizes that the "new" ice cream man is there, so there is no way she is going to purchase a Drumstik from that man, even if it was the last Drumstik on the face of the earth. 

    RIP, old skool ice cream man. 

    You wouldn't even be able to run fast enough to catch our Ice Cream Man.  He drives through our neighborhood at 30+mph.  SD and I chased him accross the whole development for a cotton candy and a Dora ice cream once, ridiiiiculous.

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  • I hope I go into labor on a Monday and have the baby on that same day.
    SIL works really long hours on Mondays and won't be able to come see the baby that day.  Then she works a lot on Tuesday.  God willing, if I have the baby on a Monday, she won't see the baby until we get home from the hospital on Wednesday!
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  • imageSarahTx5701:

    sneaking in from2nd tri. My ds was born and then taken to another hospital to a nicu. I didn't see him for 3 days. On day three I woke up to call from my DH that batshit crazy MIL flew her happy ass from Texas to Alaska, took a effin taxi cab to the nicu and tried to get into see my son. Before I even had a chance to see, let alone HOLD my son. She told no one she was hopping on a plane. Sneakyass ***. My dh refused to let her hold ds since I hadn't gotten to hold him yet. take that ***...now was your flight worth it?!

    It happens. I still hold a massive grudge, but pretend eveything is fine.

    Holy Hell!! That's beyond ridiculous! I don't think anyone would attempt that with me... because I'm a scary biiiiiatch! Way to go for your DH though... that's how it's done! 

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  • imagekehgirl:

    I am thoroughly and completely disgusted by the state of the ice cream man in my neighborhood.

    Apparently, in my 'hood at least, gone are the days of the Good Humour man in the clean-looking little white truck.  He has been replaced by a sketchy looking individual in a maroon 1989 Dodge Aerostar with a minimum of 3 nasty dents on the sides, darkly tinted windows, and the product line is displayed in a haphazard way (usually a large sticker that is tilted at least 15 degrees to the right and, in some cases, literally duct taped to the side of the van.).  

    I can't tell you how this pregnant lady mourns when she hears the dulcet tones of Scott Joplin's The Entertainer come tinkling down the way, runs to grab her purse, and realizes that the "new" ice cream man is there, so there is no way she is going to purchase a Drumstik from that man, even if it was the last Drumstik on the face of the earth. 

    RIP, old skool ice cream man. 

    You wouldn't even be able to run fast enough to catch our Ice Cream Man.  He drives through our neighborhood at 30+mph.  SD and I chased him accross the whole development for a cotton candy and a Dora ice cream once, ridiiiiculous.


    Our ice cream man is in a beat up van with peeling pictures of ice cream on the side. 90% of the pictures have black X's over them because he's "out". He only has ice cream sandwiches and snow cones. He also looks like he just got out of prison. I always tell DD I don't have change. Then I feel guilty and take her downtown to the ice cream parlor! lol

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  • imagejamiemsmith:

    sneaking in from2nd tri. My ds was born and then taken to another hospital to a nicu. I didn't see him for 3 days. On day three I woke up to call from my DH that batshit crazy MIL flew her happy ass from Texas to Alaska, took a effin taxi cab to the nicu and tried to get into see my son. Before I even had a chance to see, let alone HOLD my son. She told no one she was hopping on a plane. Sneakyass ***. My dh refused to let her hold ds since I hadn't gotten to hold him yet. take that ***...now was your flight worth it?!

    It happens. I still hold a massive grudge, but pretend eveything is fine.

    Holy Hell!! That's beyond ridiculous! I don't think anyone would attempt that with me... because I'm a scary biiiiiatch! Way to go for your DH though... that's how it's done! 

    yeah, dh woke up at 3 in the morning to a call from the nicu saying somewhere was there trying to get in to our son. (mil is divorced so she doesn't evan have the same last name)  She tried to prove herself by showing her "air force mom pin" to the guard. WTF!?!?    anyway, that is the ONLY way dh knew she was there, because of a call from the nicu in the middle of the night! can you believe that?!!!! DH told her If I was not released on that day because she stressed me out and caused my BP to go back up that she would be on the first flight home.

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  • imageSarahTx5701:

    yeah, dh woke up at 3 in the morning to a call from the nicu saying somewhere was there trying to get in to our son. (mil is divorced so she doesn't evan have the same last name)  She tried to prove herself by showing her "air force mom pin" to the guard. WTF!?!?    anyway, that is the ONLY way dh knew she was there, because of a call from the nicu in the middle of the night! can you believe that?!!!! DH told her If I was not released on that day because she stressed me out and caused my BP to go back up that she would be on the first flight home.

    Good for him! I only hope my H has that kind of balls when my MIL tries to hang out this time around.

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