Two Under 2

If you didn't have a PP period yet when you got your BFP

Hello ladies!  For some reason I really feel that my due date is off, too late.  However I never had a PP period so the only thing we had to go by was our US's done at 19 and 23 wks.  LO feels so much bigger and stronger at this point than DD did, and I believe as far as fundal height goes I am measuring further ahead.  Also I dropped much earlier (29 wks) Anyone else experience this situation where you didn't know when you ovulated, and was your due date accurate?!  Wondering if I should request another US to confirm babies size and due date at this point? TIA!
Snuggling after a nap! Claira 2 yrs and Sophia 11 months Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Re: If you didn't have a PP period yet when you got your BFP

  • Hmmm that's a tough one. What does your Dr think? Tell him your concerns. I never had a period but had an ultrasound and they determined I was 8 weeks along. That's supposed to be a good indicator when it's that early on. I then had one at 18 weeks and the baby was on track with the first due date. Recently I had an ultrasound at about 32 weeks and the baby was measuring about 2 weeks larger. Now everyone's getting a little upety like this baby is coming sooner. I'm just not sure at all. I'm a candidate for early induction due to the size of ds and I think my dates were right but I just have big babies. I know how you feel and I have some of the same worries. But your dr would probably not induce unless you were favorable and otherwise baby will come when he's ready.
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  • I didn't have a pp period but I was charting and knew when I ovulated.  My OB's office did an u/s at 8 weeks to date the preganancy - I'm surprised yours didn't.  Dating u/s down around that time are quite accurate.  They were off by 2 days of my numbers. 

    I feel much bigger this time aound and things have been happening sooner - such as feeling the baby.  I'm measuring right on time though.  I would address your concerns with your OB if you keep on measuring ahead.  Either way the baby will decide to come when it's ready. 

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  • I had an ultrasound about 7 weeks.  A first trimester ultrasound is supposed to be the best for dating a pregnancy.  I am surprised with unknown dates that you didn't get an early one!  You could ask for another one, and tell him your concerns, especially if your baby is measuring large.  Good luck!
    TTC#1 = Success on Cycle#19 with Clomid/trigger/b2b IUIs; beta#1 (15dpiui) 200, #2 (18dpiui) 433, #3 (22dpiui) 2356; TTC#2 = Surprise BFP 9/2009; TTC#3 = m/c at 6 wks, 10/29/11; BFP#2 4/1/2012... Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I would ask for another ultrasound.

    With DD my periods were very irregular and they insisted my due date was a certain day and for whatever reason I was certain they were 2 weeks later than I thought and I was right.  My water broke right on the day I thought it would.

    With this baby I never had a period post partum so I am taking their U/S due date as accurate.  I have had two ultrasounds so far and they both measured for the same date.  Time will tell...

  • Sorry ladies I totally forgot I did have an US earlier on as well, around 8-10 weeks I believe and that is where they got my due date from.  I completely forgot about that one!  So those are more accurate?  If so I guess they are probably closer than I thought. Hmm wondering if I should ask about another one or not then.......
    Snuggling after a nap! Claira 2 yrs and Sophia 11 months Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • This is me.  According to the doctor I'm due 2/22.  I bet you $5 it's wrong.  Baby has measured at least a week or so ahead, I got all of my morning sickness earlier than I did with my daughter.  Also, a 2/22 due date means I got my BFP at 3 weeks.  I just don't see it.  Worries me though because our hospital has a policy that you must be 36 weeks to deliver there or you need to go to the bigger hospital in the city.  I had my daughter at 36w3d so if my due date says I'm only 34 or 35 weeks I have to deliver away from my doctor and my hospital.  Sad
    mr & mrs || 11.18.06
    DD born 07.06.09 || DS born 01.24.11 || Bean 3.0 due 11.16.12
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