Philadelphia Babies

First Tri screening at Riddle?

When I was pg with #1, I got my First Tri screening at Bryn Mawr because Riddle was not doing them yet. Does anyone know if they are doing them now? I had a GREAT experience at Bryn Mawr but Riddle is a lot closer.
BFP#1=1/17/08 Missed m/c: 3/19/08@ 12 w D&C 3/21/08 BFP #2=8/5/08 She arrived 4/16/09! image BFP#3 7/9/11 EDD:3/16/11 Logan Patrick born sleeping on 3/20/11 image

Re: First Tri screening at Riddle?

  • Do you mean the basic bloodwork for your first trimester?  If so, then yes they do, through the outpatient lab.
  • First Tri screening is an u/s and bloodwork.  When I was pg with #1, my OB said that Riddle literally just got the equipment to do First Tri screenings but they weren't doing them yet (I guess they had to train people what to do). 
    BFP#1=1/17/08 Missed m/c: 3/19/08@ 12 w D&C 3/21/08 BFP #2=8/5/08 She arrived 4/16/09! image BFP#3 7/9/11 EDD:3/16/11 Logan Patrick born sleeping on 3/20/11 image
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  • Then I'm not sure.  I didn't need an u/s during my first trimester.  When I did have an u/s it was at Riddle.  Sorry I couldn't be more help.
  • I have my NT scan scheduled at Riddle for the third week in August.  This is a lot closer for me too!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • Thanks for the info!  I got my registeration paper at my last appointment but the best appointment I could get was at Lankenau (sp?) so although Riddle is an option, they didn't have anything convenient for me.
    BFP#1=1/17/08 Missed m/c: 3/19/08@ 12 w D&C 3/21/08 BFP #2=8/5/08 She arrived 4/16/09! image BFP#3 7/9/11 EDD:3/16/11 Logan Patrick born sleeping on 3/20/11 image
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