I'm not a gift for the sib or a party favor type person... frankly, I cannot stand bringing home crappy party favor gifts that my kids will lose in the house or tear up or drop in the car... cannot stand it.
but what's the big difference between giving the sibling a small gift and hosting a party and giving 15 other kids a "party favor"? what's the point of the party favor? I mean most of the parties I've been to lately, the kid doesn't even open the gifts at the party and the favors are afterthoughts upon exciting party. what's the point?
Re: so what's the difference?
My 3 year old LOVES the favor bag and can't wait to go through it in the car and see what his friend gave him.
Loves it.
Me with my littlest.
I HATE when people open gifts at parties. Hate.
B loves the goodie bag! Hell, I love the goodie bag!
so you're thanking a 4, 5 or 6y/o for coming over to play and eat sweets... or, like here, to participate in a party that you've already paid $$$ for.
sure it's fun for the kids for 5 minutes... but I'm in the "it's totally unnecessary" camp. most ends up broken and in a landfill within a week.