Two Under 2

Couple Q's about having 2u2

Me and my DH plan on being pg with #2 before #1s first bday.   We might start as early as January when ds will be 8 months old.

Q1:  If you got PG before #1 was a year old, was the pregnancy a lot harder due to the fact that they say your body isn't back to normal until after a year?

Q2:  When did you put #1 in a toddler bed?  I really don't want to have to get a 2nd crib.  I plan on keeping #2 in the bassinet (we have the FP Rock N Play sleeper that holds up to 25lbs) for 3-4 months and then ideally he/she will go in the crib and DS will go into a toddler bed.

Any other things I should consider or plan around before starting to try for #2?

Thank you so much!

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Re: Couple Q's about having 2u2

  • Q1: All my PG were the same - easy and actually enjoyable. BUT, I have really great PG......

    Q2: I bought a 2nd crib. There was NO WAY I was going to rock the boat and transition a child before they jumped out or age 3 (whichever came first). I want and NEED the containment of a crib especially since I EBF. I need to know that my older child is safe while I need to BF my newborn.......I transitioned DD#1 at age 2, and DD#2 is 3 and we will transition her out of her crib in a few weeks.

    We never "tried" for 2u2 - it just kept happening. The lack of sleep is what gets me the most.....other than that, going from 1-2 wasn't bad at all.


    image Mommy to Barbara 11/8/05, Elisabeth 5/13/07, Loukas 12/23/08 and Lazarus 09/25/12
  • I got pg w/#2 when DD was about 9/10 months old.

    Q1: was the pregnancy harder - yes, the pregnancy has been harder than the first time around, but I don't think it was because my body wasn't back to normal.  I was still breastfeeding, but other that my body was normal.  I think it was harder because I was that much older, plus I think most people tend to get bigger sooner with subsequent babies.  I also had different symptoms this time around (like morning sickness) that I didn't have the first time which made things harder.  And, add to that, a mobile child to chase around - no down time for a mom of a mobile child.

    Q2: we bought a second crib and transitioned DD into a crib in her room and left the nursery intact for the next baby.  DD still has yet to learn how to climb out of her crib, and I want to keep her within the crib confines as long as I can.  I'm in no rush for her to be able to wander her room at night - and the whole house for that matter b/c she figured out how to open doors ages ago!  And, while she is a great sleeper most nights, there are some nights that are harder and naptime on the weekend can sometimes be a challenge - I think dealing with those situations would be even harder if she could wander around her room, get into stuff, etc.

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  • 1 - Nope, my pregnancy was easier...I had a bunch of hip/pelvic pain with #1. DS was STTM and taking three solid naps a day during my first tri - so I got plenty of rest!!! But I did have a vaginal birth with very little tearing.

    2 - DS still isn't in a toddler bed. I plan on keeping him contained as long as possible...I'm thinking we'll start talking about it when he is close to 2.5. But we had a co-sleeper - which is basically a pack-n-play and DD slept in that until 5 months.


  • Mine are 23 months apart so the first question doesn't really apply. As for moving out of the crib, we transitioned her crib to a "toddler bed" at 19 months and then moved to a new room with a twin bed at 20 months. Both transitions went REALLY well.
  • Q1. we got PG when DD was 5 months and that ended in a chemical pregnancy.  we got PG again the following month with no problems and it has been a great pregnancy.  no problems getting pregnant though.

    Q2. DD is still in her crib and will stay there until she tries climbing out or when she goes to college - whichever comes first.  she loves her crib and sleeps great in there and i don't have any desire for her to be a "free roam baby" while i have an infant to deal with!


  • Q1: This pregnancy was harder just because when I found out I was pregnant, DD started crawling and then started walking all over. I spend my time chasing her around.  I definitely feel more tired this time around. I felt like my body was pretty much back to normal except I still had 12 pounds to lose..also this pregnancy was not planned, our surprise BFP!

    Q2: DD is still in a crib and I plan on keeping her there until she shows signs of trying to get out or ready for a toddler bed.  We bought convertible cribs for both kids that go to full size beds.  I plan on keeping #2 in the bassinet in our room for 3-4 months just like we did with DD.


  • 1  This preg was much harder b/c of worse pre e this time and my ibs being worse.  Also DD#1 has hypotonia and has to have ankle braces and PT so I have to carry her everywhere which didn't help either.  If you don't have any pre existing medical conditions though I wouldn't think it would necessarily be harder.

    2. we'll transition DD#2 when she can walk well independently and she seems more ready.  We plan to keep DD#2 in our room for 3-6 mo so there's no rush

    The only other thing is it is hard to chase a toddler with a newborn so make sure you have plenty of help since you can't lift toddler for 6 wk pp (that rule was broken in our house though)

  • Q1: I have very easy pregnancies so both of mine were fine. I do get tired but I just nap when DD naps which is the nice part about her still being so young is shes taking 3 naps a day.


    Q2: We will have DD in her crib when DS is born and then after about 4 months we will transition her to a toddler bed.

  • Q1: I got pg about a week shy of DS's 1st birthday last time.  I didn't have any issues other than normal 3rd time stuff.  Too early in this pg to know.  :D

    Q2: We borrowed a crib from a friend for DS.  He wasn't even close to being ready to be in a toddler bed.  We will do the same for this baby since DD will only be 15 months when he/she is born.

    DD1 - 12.25.05
    (m/c 1.17.07, m/c 5.15.07)
    DS - 03.15.08
    DD2 - 12.03.09
    DD3 - 3.28.11
  • Q1 - I definitely am more tired with this pg.  I've had some issues, but they had nothing to do with my prior pg.

     Q2 - We bought another crib.  My girls just turned 13 months this past Thursday.  They are in no way ready to transition to a toddler bed.  

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  • Q1:  If you got PG before #1 was a year old....This pregnancy was easier in the beginning but as DS gets older and I get bigger, I get worn out very fast.  I also have a lot more aches and pains then I did with DS.  I'm beginning to look forward to not being pregnant.

    Q2:  When did you put #1 in a toddler bed?  He's still in a crib.  We just bought a convertible crib because he's showing no signs of climbing out and he's almost 18 mos.  So he'll be ina crib until he's ready for a bed, but I hope he stays in there as long as possible!

    I wish I had waited a little bit longer before getting pregnant.  My LOs will be 19 months apart and I'm starting to think we're nuts as DS starts exhibiting terrible two behavior already.  He also wants me to hold or carry him all the time when it's just me and him.  I'm worried how he'll do when DS gets here- only time will tell!

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  • I am still pg with #2, so I can only answer the first question.

    Yeah, this pg is A LOT harder.  I don't know whether it is just two pregnancies so close together, or the fact that DD is pretty high-needs, or the fact that I started this pg a full 30 pounds heavier than the last.  Whatever it is, I'm totally exhausted all the time and everything hurts.  It's hard.  I asked whether other women were in the same boat a few days ago, and responses were mixed.  I just might be unlucky.

    We did get a second crib because DD will only be about 13 months old when #2 is born.  

    Traveling the world with my girls - born 12 months and 18 days apart.
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  • #1-I had a c-section with my DS and found out I was pregnant when he was 4.5 months old, and so far it's been much easier than my last pregnancy. I never got sick, have more energy, and far less discomfort than with my first pregnancy. I had the worst round ligament pain all through my first pregnancy, struggled with sciatica, and had terrible exhaustion until about 25 weeks. I feel great so far this time around so far.

    #2-I'm doing a shorter age gap but we have no choice to do another crib, but I would honestly keep LO #1 in a crib as long as humanly possible. Now that DS is mobile, I'm now understanding that I will enjoy having him contained in the morning for as long as possible. I think it's worth the investment of a 2nd crib. You don't want to push LO #1 into a toddler bed if he's not ready. Play it by ear and see how your LO is.

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  • Q#1: I got pregnant (again) when DD was 3 months old . . . I worked full time, had an infant, and was pregnant. It was no picnic, but I did it because I had to. I have no idea if it was harder since it was all I knew. Yes, the fatigue was there, but it would have been there even if my DD was three years old and my body was "back." I felt pretty good five weeks after having my first. I had lost most of the weight and was exercising. I'm sure my body wasn't completely "normal," but there were no physical signs of it being so different from what it used to be.

    Q#2: DD#1 is still in a crib; she's almost two. I refuse to move her to a toddler bed until she starts to show signs that she's ready. We bought a second crib.

    It's a never ending job, but that's to be expected with all children no matter how close or far apart they are in age. The relationship my daughters have is incredible for how young they are. They make me and DH laugh and smile a lot . . . it's definitely been challening, but it's definitely been worth it.

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