Dallas-Fort Worth Babies

Dr. Flowers PTs anatomy U/S ?

We are having our anatomy ultrasound this week and I am would like to know if they do a 4d in this ultrasound or if it is all the normal 2D, and also is it a pretty in depth U/S or is it pretty short?  We are trying to decide if H should take off work and come and if they do 4D I do not want him to miss that but if its quick and nothing major then maybe not.  We are not finding out the sex until our gender reveal party this weekend so he won't be missing out on that part!
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Re: Dr. Flowers PTs anatomy U/S ?

  • Its the normal 2D ultrasound and yes, its more in-depth than a regular ultrasound because they check on EVERYTHING and take tons of measurements.  Its about 20 minutes long.  I got about 7 pictures.  

    If you aren't going to find out the gender until the party, then its probably not as exciting... but its still cool to see how much the baby has grown by this point. 

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