She came home Wednesday one day shy of 7 weeks. We weren't sure if that was the day because she'd lost 40 grams, but then she gained back 65. She was 3 pounds 10 ounces at birth and is now 5 pounds 13 ounces.
First night was totally sleepless because she kept fussing and crying, but after that she settled back into her NICU routine. Last night she was gassy again, but we still got some sleep. We are working on weening her from the bottle.
We've taken her for walks and to her first pedi appointment and are loving having her here. Everything is so much easier - changing diapers, bathing, clothing, holding - without all the wires and monitors. I love being able to just walk over and pick her up instead of driving somewhere, finding parking, and having to scrub for three minutes first.
I was beginning to think she was going to live in the NICU forever, but she is finally here and I feel like a real parent.
Re: A Little Late, DD Came Home!!!