I love Greece and mythology and names, so naturally I was curious about what you think of the names of Greek heroes. Are they names you would consider? Are they too weird? Do you think they take guts, or are they just bad names?
I like these: Jason, Perseus, and Theseus. Jason is my dad so thats a plus!
Others: Bellerophon, Herculeus, Odysseus, Achilles, Orpheus, Cadmus...
Re: Greek heroes
Jason is obviously an easy one to use and I think it's a good name. I knew an Odysseus but he was greek and I feel like it only worked because of that. I guess Perseus could be called Percy and wouldn't be too out there (although Percy is NMS)
Otherwise, I probably wouldn't use any of them (unless I was naming a dog)
My cats name is Odysseus.
What about Leonidas? You could call him Leo.
I just want to give you a world as beautiful as you are to me.
I love the Greek mythology/hero names too...I think it would take some guts to name them something like that and post your choice here, but as a lot of people here say if you love it and you can get behind it go for it.
I was trying to think of one for my LO that wouldnt be so out there, and thats why Calliope was one of my choices, means beautiful voice and she was the Muse of epic poetry. I also like Pandora and Persephone but I dont see them aging well or in professional settings.
Good luck! which ever way you go :-)
EDD- 06/13/2017
**Stinkerbelle-8-27-10 * Mr.P's 2nd Mama 7-27-07**
It's funny how some names live on strongly and others don't. Jason is fairly common in the States, but yeah - Perseus, Theseus, Odysseus (although there was a Ulysses S. Grant - the latin form of Odysseus). I do like Penelope though - Ulysses wife).
I'm not Greek, so I'm not sure how they feel about using old names that have such a strong person connected to them...I wonder if it would be like naming a kid Elvis here.
I don't have the guts for most of the names, and Jason is a name that's been ruined for me. If I loved one, I would use it as a middle name, but it would have to be something I could spell of the top of my head
Heavens to Murgatroyd Blog
Unofficial Baby Names Sticky Note: New and Old| Local Bumpie Website
I like many Greek names Lemonie (lay-moh-NEE), for example, but most of those you mentioned don't seem to have a place in our culture; they seem a bit 'over the top' or 'larger than life'--choose your cliche: ) But then, while I've read Greek mythology, I don't have any real passion for it.
Interestingly, this was just mentioned on a name blog I read:
Aristophanes or Wittgenstein?
I've known people named Athena and Zeus. DH's cousin named her dd Isis Pandora.
I'm not really a fan.
Cole Joseph 7/05/07
Nora Anne 11/03/12
9lbs, 6oz
That's such a great blog.
Heavens to Murgatroyd Blog
Unofficial Baby Names Sticky Note: New and Old| Local Bumpie Website
How about Jason Perseus?
Theseus could go by Ted or Teddy
Bellerophon looks feminine to me because of the obvious "Belle" in the name
Herculeus would be a lot to live up to. He might feel like he has to be strong, in order to not be made fun of.
Odysseus- "Odd Dr. Seuss" Not sure about this one.
Achilles is somewhat similar to Atticus for me, except I don't know if I would want the word "kill" in my child's name. But it may not matter to you.
DEFINITELY not Orpheus... It sounds like orifice. gross.
Cadmus sounds kind of like the popular Cameron. I bet you could get away with it. But I wouldn't do it.
I know a lot of Greeks named after gods and goddesses. I knew an Artemis, and when I went to Greece there were lots of Aphrodites and stuff running around. I think it's like the equivalent of naming your child after a grace: like Faith or Hope or etc.
As for whether I would do it, it was something we were considering, at least for a middle name. I know a lot more women who are named after Greek myths than men, though (aside from Jason): Persephone, Athena, Clio, Penelope... Though I do know several men with Greek hero MIDDLE names. I also know an Evander.
We were considering Leonidas because we don't like Leonard but we love the nn Leo. And Odysseus is my favorite character ever so I was lobbying hard for that middle name.
I went to school with and Aris (nn for Aristotle) pronounced Air-ees. He was the hottest guy in school. Looked like Adrain Grenier from Entourage. Yum!!
ETA: A philosopher can be a hero too, right?
How about...