What do you do as far as payment? My mom will be coming here to watch the girls 4 days a week. She's going to have to get up at 530am, and be here until about 3/330pm. I am going to make sure she has gas money, whatever food she likes while here, and money if she wants to venture out with the girls.. but I feel like she's doing A LOT of work. I KNOW she will not accept money from me. So how do you work it out with your relative?
Re: If you have a close relative babysitting...
Same here. My mom watches DS every day. He will go preschool in the fall, but she will be the one bringing him and picking him up (it's only 4 hours 3 days a week). I bring her Starbucks daily and every now and then throw in a yummy pastry. I also bring her anything I bake and supply some of DS food (like today I sent fruit, yogurt and his lunch).
Ugh -- I'm late on the reply here, but I've really dealt with this situation. My mom has babysat my kids for 10 years, enabling me to work p/t.
Initially, she did about 6 hours a day, 3 days a week. When DS was born, I quit teaching, and she did from 2 to 4:30 twice a week, so not quite as intense.
She's never been willing to take money for it. She says she was helped out a lot by both sets of my grandparents when I was little and that she's "paying it forward" and I'm supposed to remember that when I'm a grandparent.
Like you, I tried to keep stuff in my house for her that I knew she likes: her type of soda, her favorite snacks, etc. But that seems a pittance in return for what she's done for my family.