
Deceptively Delicious or Sneaky Chef?

I'm looking for a family cookbook to buy on Kindle. Do you have either of these cookbooks? Would you mind sharing your opinion or offering another option to help me choose which to buy, please? TIA!!
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers ***This space reserved for photo of new squish***

Re: Deceptively Delicious or Sneaky Chef?

  • I don't have them, but I always look to Amazon for customer reviews.
  • The people that I know who tried it said that it's a total pita to make the purees to sneak in. One person's kid caught her sneaking them in, and is now suspicious of nearly everything that she makes.


    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

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  • imageAnnapolisLari:

    The people that I know who tried it said that it's a total pita to make the purees to sneak in. One person's kid caught her sneaking them in, and is now suspicious of nearly everything that she makes.


    Oh no!! hahaha...that svcks!!

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers ***This space reserved for photo of new squish***
  • I can actually still throw purees in just about everything (one of the only ways my picky eaters eat veggies)... sweet potato puree and cauliflower puree  are my main ones... but I sometimes do carrot purees, too... works like a charm.

    (I actually had both books- they seemed totally identical to me... I didn't really have much luck with the recipes in either book- I just stole the puree idea and went from there.)

    A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. ~Marion C. Garrett
    image7_0002 A ~ 2.7.06 S ~ 9.2.07
  • I have DD - it was okay. I did notice that Kohls is or will be selling them for $5.

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
  • I think "Deceptively Delicious" should be renamed "Obviously Gross".  While I like the idea behind it, and some things really are quite good-I've had a recipe or two that are terrible! 
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