I am now worried that my lo is aspirating some of his milk. He sometimes will cough, hesitate to breathe for a few seconds, and then cry. They never seemed 2 worried in the nicu and his ped didnt seem 2 worried either. Anyone know anything about this?
Re: aspirating
Hi! I am lurking from another board...so I hope you dont mind me commented on your post. My LO has special needs (though not a premie- born at 37 weeks) and sometimes has similair issues to some of the premies on the board...thats why I lurk and occasionally post here.
From a few weeks old I thought my LO was aspirating when I was feeding him (he had feeding issued from the beginning and couldnt breast-feed....so we started him on the haberman special needs feeder bottle.) I brought up my concerns at every pedi visit. They continued to dismiss my concerns. Finally at 2 months of age the doctor finally sent us to the Childrens hospital. He was admitted for a week- we did find out he was aspirating. If you think your LO might be aspirating it wouldnt hurt to ask for a swallow study. His symptoms were choking coughing, apnea with feeds, coughing up blood, and gurgling noise when drinking. GL!