My friend named her baby Gage. It's a girl. She found it in 2 baby books as a girl's name or at least gender neutral. I've only heard it as a boy's name but it's really cute they named her that because it meant "promise" and they had lost their 2nd baby to a terrible genetic defect.
WDYT? Have you heard of Gage as a girl's name or know a girl named Gage?
Re: Just wondering...
Nope, I've never heard Gage as a girl name.
I don't like it at all (for a girl).
Logan David 03.27.08
Jacob Riley 05.18.09
{Member since 2007}
I don't know anyone named Gage. There is a girl on 9-12 that named her son Gage though.
It's not feminine at all.
I think it's the French origin, meaning "the pledge or promise". English origin says it means "measurer".
Edit: I found this
sorry no clicky on Mac
Baby Name Popularity by State
The only time I've ever heard the name is the little boy in Pet Sematary.
Doesn't sound like a girls name to me at all.
Cole Joseph 7/05/07
Nora Anne 11/03/12
9lbs, 6oz
oh, goodness. i'm sure she'll be fine.