For some reason I left my appointment feeling neglected and disappointed. As soon as I hit the parking lot, I started bawling.
1st of all, I am really really tired of working, I am very sore (back & ribs are awful) and my feet just started swelling 2 weeks ago. I dont have a desk job so Im on my feet alot, and even sitting hurts sometimes. I expressed that everyday gets harder and harder on me & I dread going to work cause I am completely miserable by the time I get home. His response was, maybe you could cut down to 4 hour shifts.. (I'm full time, if I do that- goodbye benefits). So I either suck it up and work my 8 hour shifts OR he writes a nice little Dr's note saying that I can no longer work and I am able to start my maternity leave & collect STD.
2nd This is my first pregnancy.. and I'm 30 weeks pregnant with twins (this alone makes me freak a bit), so naturally I feel like everything is happening so fast and I have no idea what is going on, on the inside.. my last appointment was June 14th, I had an u/s and they checked the length of my cervix which was like 3.9cm, if I remember correctly, so still pretty long. Should I have asked for him to check to see if things have changed much?? It seems like he should just be doing this..
I have another appt & u/s July 19th.. I get to meet with a different doctor & I think I am going to kill him if he doesn't take me seriously about the working thing.
Sorry.. vent over.
Re: Pretty annoyed with doc yesterday..
My twins are 5! My baby is 3!
DS#2 - Allergic to Cashew, Pistachio, Kiwi
DS#3 - Allergic to Milk, Egg, Peanut, Tree Nuts and Sesame
Sorry you're not feeling well. You're getting up there so, it's expected. It's fraud for a dr to take you out of work if he doesn't feel like it's necessary.
I think her point is that she's having trouble being ABLE to work. I certainly could not be on my feet FT at 30 weeks.
OP, good luck. I hope you can alter your work duties to give you more flexibility within a FT schedule. I would have a serious talk with your boss/manager about this.
Cut the Crap - Weight loss journey of a Few Fat Chicks
did you flat out ask for a note to leave work? docs can't read minds - so if not- you NEED TO ASK. My doc took me out at 27w - when i wanted to go out- no questions asked. He thought it was smart b/c he didn't want me having PTL and i'm on my feet a lot when working. He would have taken me out as early as 24w if I asked (he said to expect to go out b/t 24-28w even if all was good).
as for cervix checks- my last one was at 32w. My doc did not ever do internals (he doesn't unless you are about to deliver or having problems).
you need to ask your doc about these things - be proactive about your health - b/c they aren't always. It sucks they are so non-responsive.
go with a LIST of questions so you don't forget. I did this at every visit.
and if you are feeling that badly- call the doc tomorrow and say you just feel horrible and want to be written out of work for the remainder of the pregnancy. it doesn't effect your doc if you leave work- there is no reason your doc should say no. If he does- i'd find a new OBGYN if you ever get pg again.
are you seeing an MFM/Peri, too? you can always ask that doc, too.
i don't ge this OB's point of view at all. to say one is "uncomfortable" is kind of an understatement for many women late in a multiples pg.
people get dr's notes to miss work for non-pg related pain all the time. why wouldn't/couldn't a doc write you out for being miserable?
I asked my doctor flat out at my first appointment at 9 weeks when I would be able to stop working. He told me that while a lot of women go up until the bitter end, he thinks my STD will only be approved after week 24 (if no complications). I actually worked in the office until week 24 and then started FT from home. At week 32, I stopped altogether.
As for cervical checks, my doctor is not really a fan - he just eyeballs it at every appt to make sure it's closed. After 32 weeks, it's their policy that they don't check at all.
Speak up if you feel like you are being neglected!
4 Fresh IVF cycles + 1 FET where embies didn't survive the thaw = 2 perfect little men!
sFET 11/9/11 - Beta 11/18 BFP!
That was my regular OB's statement. I am sure if I was really uncomfortable the peri would write me a note. Plus I think she assumes I'll have something wrong and not just be uncomfortable. I also don't stand on my feet all do or do anything strenuous.
Cut the Crap - Weight loss journey of a Few Fat Chicks
I agree with Goldie on this one. Please listen to your body.... i ignored my discomfort, painful BH contractions, etc. and I just earned myself a seat on the couch.....
I went in today and she did a swab to test for fetal fibronectin. (sp?) It's a test to look for pre-term labor. Get an in depth measurement of my cervix on tuesday with my high risk doc. I would never want anyone in my situation....and believe me, I was uncomfortable. I am 30 weeks I hope you get a note soon.
Same here! It really pisses me off when people say that you shouldn't be written out of work because you don't have a "medical reason". Um, I think being 30 weeks pregnant with twins is certainly a good medical reason. You shouldn't wait until you go into PTL, or have some other risk to yourself or your babies that could have been avoided if your doctor supported you in taking it easy (i.e. writing you out of work).
I wrote a similar post a few weeks ago, I told my doctor I was miserable, tired and it was really difficult being at work full time. She said she couldn't write me out of work. A week later I spent three days for in the hospital for contractions they couldn't get under control and now I'm on strict bed rest. Nice.
I agree with Goldie - be your own advocate. Call tomorrow and ask specifically to be written out of work. It is your doctor's responsibility to do everything in his/her power to get you as close to full term as possible. This is one of the things they can do.
Sorry this got so long winded - this is one topic I get really fired up about!
I think that's a bunch of crap. You aren't just uncomfortable, you're a woman with a high risk pregnancy and you work on your feet all day, so you're at risk for preterm labor.
My OB told me that we would discuss limiting my activities at 28 weeks, and/or she'd write me off whenever I felt like I needed to go out. I'm a nurse, but I have a sit-down job. I wound up having PTL and going off at 28 weeks anyway.
Have you read the Dr. Luke book (What to expect when expecting twins, triplets, or quads)? It discusses recommended activity guidelines.
Can you see a different OB in the practice or find a new OB altogether? I'm not sure if a new one would take you this late in a twin pregnancy, but that just seems pretty crazy of this OB.
Thank you for all the support ladies!! If I were just uncomfortable, that is one thing.. but I come home and I am just in pain.. Heck, I'm in pain before I even go in to work, my balloon feet won't even fit in my shoes! So far this pregnancy has been going along really smoothly with no complications & I thank God for that.
I go to an OB/GYN group, there are 5 doctors and some midwives, I just see the doctors, but so far I have only met two, (both men) maybe a woman doctor will be a little more sympathetic, I couldn't believe the way he kind of just brushed off my complaints yesterday.