Hi Guys,
I'm at 36 weeks this week and after sex tonight, I noticed a good bit of blood. I know I have a "sensitive" cervix prone to little "nicks", even without being prego. Is this cause for alarm? It was an amount comprable to a period. Right now I'm wearing a pad to see if I continue to bleed.
Anyone have any insight on this? I don't want to be an alarmist, but at the same time, if this is cause for concern, I will head over to L&D if I need to be examined....
Re: Bleeding after sex?
I'd call and see what they say - never hurt to get it checked out,
36 weeks and still having sex? Good for you! I can't even find my vcagina these days.
4 Fresh IVF cycles + 1 FET where embies didn't survive the thaw = 2 perfect little men!
sFET 11/9/11 - Beta 11/18 BFP!