
First swim lesson - WWYD?

Saturday morning is the girls' first swim lesson.  I'm incredibly nervous, lol.  Brooke is 4, Taylor just about 3.  I really think Brooke is going to flip out.  We couldn't even get her in a kiddie pool 2 summers ago.

This past weekend was the first time she's been in a big pool with us, maybe 3rd time ever.  And she wouldn't go near floaties.  Which I do get isn't necessarily a bad thing.

I'm just concerned she won't even get started.  We aren't really allowed in the pool area, just outside the glass.  So since it will be private swim, it is just them and the instructor, whom they will have met for the first time.

So, would you even tell them about it before hand?  Or just "surprise" them?  I'm thinking she might get herself all worked up.  I'm not so worried about Taylor.  I think she'll be weird at first but then warm up to it.

Jesse - mommy of Brooke 6/15/06 and Taylor 9/1/07 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image

Re: First swim lesson - WWYD?

  • REOMREOM member

    My 3.5 year old gets really excited about things when we countdown. "3 more days till swimming class!" and act really excited about it.

    We struggle with swimming too, but it is something that is really important to us that they learn to do.

    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
  • Your child is not the first to be afraid of water/pools and she won't be the last.  They deal with children like your daughter all the time.  I would just let them handle it.    Plus it would not be good for your daughter to overhear you tell the instructors that she is afraid.  Just let her be and they will handle it.
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  • Of course I would never let her hear me say she's afraid.  That's just silly.  She's very... proud, lol.

    I think the countdown might be the perfect idea.

    Jesse - mommy of Brooke 6/15/06 and Taylor 9/1/07 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image
  • I think it depends on your kid. If I gave my kid a countdown, he wouldn't sleep or eat well. But if I wait until the last minute, he takes it in stride.


  • My kids do better being prepared (and bribed).  I do countdowns to everything - good and bad.  The girls do not do well with surprises (good or bad).  I talk about how much fun they're going to have at the activity (if it's fun) and new friends they'll meet and what they'll do.  I tell them their teacher's name and start talking about him/her like they're my best friend.  And I start telling them all the wonderful things they'll do if they do well (and they get them no matter what they do, usually) - a treat, a new prize, etc.  We bought new swimsuits and towels (princess ones, of course, that the girls picked out) that were special just for swimming lessons.  We have suckers after every lesson (or at least did last year when DD#1 was very hesitant).  Everything I could do to make it a new treat, I did.

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