

Can I meet you at your mom's tomorrow or do you want me to come to your place?  I don't mind either way since he'll be in class and I have a little bit of time to kill.  I'm coming down through Picayune and I should pass through around 4, maybe 5.

Re: Makinroom4baby

  • Well we just found out this morning that Jayden is having an outpatient procedure done tomorrow morning at 11. I have no idea how long he will be in there and the Dr said that if she finds what she's expecting to find, he will be admitted for IV feedings until he starts to put on some weight, so I have no idea right now! However, we will be at Ochsner on Jefferson Hwy so just text me when you get close. I don't think I'll bring your cake with me though b/c it won't hold up in the heat...
    Nia, Mom to Jayden Michael, Born 12/04/06, Adopted 12/07/06
    And Elias Parker, Born 3.5 weeks early 12/20/2011 image
    FINALLY!!! After 7 years of infertility! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Is that the big Ochsner?  I think that's where R's dad works.  Anyway...I hate to admit but idk where Jeff Hwy is.  I mean, I SHOULD know by now but I don't.  Hell...I'm still trying to remember the difference between Causeway Blvd and Clearview!!

     If he's admitted (which I hope he's not), I'll come sit with you for a while and we can chat, as usual.  I don't guess you can sneak me in some Funky Punch, eh?  lol 

    We'll just play it by ear then.  I mean, with R's birthday being Friday, there's going to be a party for him in might be all caked out, kwim?  I COULD always stop by around 5 or so on Monday if you'd rather.  Its up to you.  But ugh...I don't want that sweet baby to end up in the hospital!!! 

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  • Yep, the main campus of Ochsner on the 2nd floor :) You would just take the causeway exit going towards Harahan (opposite Mandeville, towards Airline...) Drive straight down Causeway and you will get on a bridge. Get in your left lane and stay on that bridge until it ends then take a left at the light. That will put you on Jefferson Hwy. Drive down about 3 lights and Ochsner is on the right.

    And I'm pretty sure I won't be getting past security with any Funky Punch in hand! I'm praying he won't be admitted but I'm also praying that she finds out whats wrong. His growth curve is going down instead of up.

    Nia, Mom to Jayden Michael, Born 12/04/06, Adopted 12/07/06
    And Elias Parker, Born 3.5 weeks early 12/20/2011 image
    FINALLY!!! After 7 years of infertility! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I'll definitely text you.  I hope all is okay and we can just meet at your mom's or at your place.  I'll be thinking of y'all.  
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