Hi! I'm new here, and new to the world of motherhood. My little guy was born on May 5th, at 28 weeks. He's still in the NICU. I've been looking for a good preemie board, hopefully to meet other moms (and dads) who are going through the same things as me.
I look forward to getting to know you.
Re: New Here....
Congratulations on the birth of your son. This board is full of lots of great ladies. There is an off site preemie board as well. If you want to check out.
Congrats on your baby boy! I'm sorry you're having to deal with prematurity and the NICU. Please feel free to vent or ask questions here. Everyone's great, and we do a lot of chatting (both on and off the topic of preemie stuff) on the private board the PP mentioned.
I hope he continues to do well and gets home sooner than expected!
I hope that your tiny preemie is doing well in the NICU. I hope you find good support here! I also invite you to visit my preemie parenting blog at www.preemiebabies101.com. It's an amazing place to find information, advice, parent stories, and lots of help on surviving your NICU stay!
Hang in there.