We know in order to pass the homestudy we needed to put up a 5 ft pool fence. Our goal is to finalize our adoption within 6-months, so we went ahead and put in the fence even though CA hasn't sent us the paperwork yet to start the homestudy. (For those of you thinking, wait, she already has a baby, but hasn't passed a homestudy,....In CA, for independent adoptions, the homestudy is not started until after placement, and must be started within one-year)
Pool Fence = Check
Feels like we just jumped a HUGE hurdle!
Re: Pool Fence = Check
wow, you need to fence the pool away from the house?? ?I would have thought a fence around the perimeter of your yard would be sufficient, since like you say it's wall-to-wall pool & concrete. ? ?Are the HS rules tougher than the city bylaws?
Whoa -- 5' is a TALL fence! It looks great though!
Ours is only 3.5 or 4', but I don't think there was a height requirement for our homestudy, it just had to have a fence and locking gates. Thankfully our fence was here when we bought the house!
Don't forget to call your insurance company -- a fence around our pool was a significant discount on our homeowner's!
We have a pool and a small fence that DD is already taller than around it. The pool area was never discussed during our homestudy and we sat in the living room which overlooks the pool....
DD loves to "swim" but she will not use a float which scares me. We can not go out as much as I would like because DD has to be held the entire time and she is a fair skinned redhead. We go out while she naps then take her in for a little while when she gets up. So far no sunburns.