
Can anyone who has the ipad, tell me about it?

I have the iphone and of course love it, and think the ipad would be awesome if I could someday save up for it..Would you want an iphone and an ipad? I use the iphone a lot for scheduling things and for work because I work at a university and get a lot of student emails and it is nice to be able to answer them on the fly. so if you have both, would have to pay for the data package twice for both of them? Do you love the ipad? what do you use it for mostly? Thaks for any insight, you can offer!

Re: Can anyone who has the ipad, tell me about it?

  • I don't have an ipad, but want one too. If you have one, what does it cost you each month? (Cost of apps, wireless connection, data package, etc.)
  • I have one (I'm using it right now) and I love it. We opted out of the data package because I have an iPhone as well and with one LO and another one on the way I'm not going to be hauling both devices with me everywhere, but it has wifi so around the house or at my parents, Starbucks etc, I still have internet access. I pretty much use it for surfing the Internet, email, and I read my books on it. I've read about 7 books since I got it and I love the book feature. Most of the apps we have were free and the Internet is included in our current home plan. Other than that there were no extra charges. I'm waiting on my adapter to come in and once it gets here I will be able to upload pictures and edit them with a few programs that you can buy. I forgot to mention that DH bought a program (I can't remember the name I'm going to have to go look) that syncs all your devices together. So when i update something on my calender on one device it automatically sends the information to my laptop, iPad, Iphone etc, it's nice because you only have to type it in once and then it shows up on everything else.
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  • Sorry that was long and no paragraphs. That would be a downside. :p
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