
Antisperm antibodies - starting IUI in a few days!

Hey all, I've only posted a few times.  My DH had a urologist appointment today to talk about what's going on.  The doctor said he had low volume and anti-sperm antibodies (which we already knew), but nothing else appeared abnormal.  Really good news (well, considering).  The doctor also said that we'd be good candidates for IUI.

 We have a RE appointment on Wednesday to talk game-plan.  I think we're going ahead with IUI this next cycle (starting in a few days).  I'm really excited - at least I know we're doing something that might help us conceive.  If not too boring, I'll post progress.  I'm glad I found this board - it's nice to have others who understand. 

Re: Antisperm antibodies - starting IUI in a few days!

  • That is very exciting. I'm hoping that IUI is what does the trick for you!
  • If you don't mind my asking, what are antisperm antibodies and how do they test for that?

    I just always read something knew on here that makes me wonder why we haven't done that!

    TTC since 7/08 SAIFW welcome! SA - normal HSG clear! DX - unexplained infertility 5 failed IUI's IVF #1 Jan. 2011 = BFP!
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