Today is my day "off" from work and I stay home with the kids. Normally it's fine, but I've been a single mom all weekend and I'm exhausted. I woke up with a headache and already everything is annoying me.
I just want to be by myself. No noise, no one hangning on me. Just me.
Flame me, kick me in the interwebz a*s, tell me I should be grateful I get to spend so much time with me kids....:::sigh:::
Re: I don't want to be a mom today
I kind of feel the ooposite. I had a great weekend w/DD and am back at work and miserable. I wish I were home with my baby today, I miss her already! Oh and I have an awful headache too.
Can you find some crafts to give them to do?
OMG, this exactly!
Awww...hang in there. We all have those days. When I go to work on MOndays I miss them and want to be with them. But the Monday's when I'm home all I want is some quiet time. We always want the opposite.
Maybe its a good morning for some cartoons or something they can do to entertain themselves for a while.
Dear God, do I know that feeling.
I have GOT to get the bedrooms painted. We've been in the house 2 months, and I can't set up new furniture and hang drapes until the rooms are painted. Wanna know what I have had time to do? Paint the insides of the closets. <sigh>
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
Not b*tchy at all. :-)