

tell me more about "finally being past the colicky phase" (from your post below). I need hope.
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Re: ***kimarino***

  • Our colicky phase didn't start until like 2.5 months.  The pedi kept thinking it was reflux since it started so late, but I think it was just colicky type stuff, especially since it would stop if they were held/bounced around.  It lasted until right before 4 months and just got gradually better.  They still start getting fussy at 6 pm (nothing like the full-blown scream-fest though) so we just take that as their signal to us that it's time for bed.  We start baths at 6:15, bottles at 6:30 and bed at 6:45.  Sometimes that's moved up by 15 minutes if they're extra tired/fussy.

    It will get better, I promise.  It just might not be at the "magic" 3-month mark.  For us, it was more like 4 months.  Oh, and I think the Jumperoo helped with some of that!

    Hang in there!

    After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!

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