DD's preschool has graduation next week. Her school runs Tu/Th 9-11, and graduation is 10-11 in the classroom.
Do you think I should dress her up? She happens to be the only girl of 8 kids, poor thing! I don't know if I should do a tee and skirt, or if I should go more all out like a real dress. Any thoughts or suggestions?
Re: Preschool graduation
Ask her!
DD has strong opinions about what she wants to wear and when. And she's not afraid to voice them.
I agree.
I agree she might want to have a say.
My kids' preschool didn't have a graduation "ceremony" but they always have an end-of-year program. I always had my kids dress up a bit for it. DD usually wore a dress and DS wore khakis and a button shirt. There would be a big variety in how the kids were dressed at these things. Some girls would be in fancy dresses, with tights and mary-janes, but others would be there in regular play clothes.