Success after IF

7dp5dt FET and I tested

it's a ....BFP! I've been testing since Sunday & the line has been getting darker. My beta isn't until next Tuesday & I'm fine with that. I'm taking this all one day at a time. We're thrilled but realize it's a baby step in the milestones we need to get through before this feels real to us. We're saying lots of prayers for a sticky healthy baby! As always I'm so thankful for all of you and the amazing support and encouragement I always recieve.

Clomid M/C 8 weeks 2/08 *IVF #1-DD born 3/09
*Surprise BFP-T18 baby lost at 13w 1/10 *FET #1-DS born 2/11
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Re: 7dp5dt FET and I tested

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