I just lost it on DS1. I'm so exhausted and hormonal, but that's no excuse. I've only been home for 5 hours. If I can't make it 5 hours, how am I going to do this???

Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
Re: 1st day home with DS2 and already a huge fail
You'll do it.
You'll yell another 62 times (if you're like me) and then you'll learn new tools.
We're debating #3 and I'll tell you my recovery plan.
1 - Go back to my part time (4 hours a week at williams sonoma) job ASAP
2 - Take fish oil every day
3 - Work out 5x/week.
Those 3 things have been instrumental in my major decrease in yelling so I'm going to really try to implement them ASAP if we have another baby.
It's so soon. It's a huge adjustment. You have two beautiful children. Congratulations again.
Zenya is wise.
You will be just fine. I've lost it on Dubs several times today, and I only have him.
Congrats again girl, you know we're here when you need to vent.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
You'll do it. There is nothing wrong with losing it on DS1 once and awhile. kids need to see that parents don't always keep it together. You will most likely lose it on him more than you think you will! I remember before DS2 was born, I rarely if ever lost my temper on Ds1. Now, I have a 3.5 year old and 20 month old.....it happens. When you are juggling 2, sleep deprived, (and especially hormonal in the beginning) it's hard. You feel pulled thin. But there are sooooo many fun moments to come! Like DS1 today going over animals and animal sounds with DS2 and absolutely cracking up when DS2 says everything quacks.
It is hard, it will get easier, harder, easier harder....I won't lie, just when you think you have it down, boom, something else will be thrown your way- new behavior, new change in the baby's schedule, your oldest's schedule, things like this. And then you will adapt again! It's a wonderful time, enjoy. It's not so bad b/c we are going to try for #3 in 9 months! Good luck!
Ohhhh, what does fish oil do? Working on the more consistent work outs......
You're going to be awesome, femmewhore! No worries.
Each day will get a little better and easier. Sure, you'll have set backs, but you'll get into a routine. And, you will yell and lose your cool with A here and there, but we ALL do it. (If you say you don't/haven't yelled at your child, you're a LYING LIAR)
Hang in there!! I promise - as N gets bigger and you start getting more sleep, it will become old hat. ((HUGS))
Hang in there. The second day home was the worst for me. . . I completely lost it. By the next morning, I realized what the problem was (overtired baby) and made sure to get him better naps throughout the day. It was so much easier to pinpoint the reasons and control my emotions with a little sleep, but that night it had been uncontrollable.
In general, #2 has been much easier to deal with emotionally for many reasons. He's a much more easy-going baby than DD was, I know what to expect, and (here's where I go into crazy hippydom) I got my placenta encapsulated. . . I swear it has helped.
I don't have much more to add other than you are not alone. You are adjusting to a new baby, having two now, major surgery, and dealing with exhaustion and hormonal changes. That's a lot! Don't be critical of yourself or let those moments bring you down. Just try to move past those moments and give yourself credit for all that you're doing!