3rd Trimester

Vent: Co-irker talks in baby talk


Re: Vent: Co-irker talks in baby talk

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    WTF???  LOL u ppl r mad about baby talk?  How about some English?  If you're going to abbreviate everything beyond the point of comprehension then it might as well be baby talk.  You cannot be upset about baby talk if you're not going to take the time to type an extra letter or two, both are signs of laziness and "cuteness", so get over yourself.

     The above does not apply to those who typed a coherent, grammatically correct and properly spelled complaint or comment.


    I like the first 5 "words" of this sentence.

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    My brother's fiance does that and it is soooo annoying. Granted...she works with small children, but I am not a small child and do not need her talking baby talk to me and her family. It is so irritating and not cute. Does this mean she is mentally unstable?
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    Should we place bets as to whether this makes it into 2011?  A pool for which date it's finally removed from Hot Topics?

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    i work with someone who calls everyone either sweetie, honey or dear.  this person is about 40, so it's a bit weird when she's calling other 40 year olds honey, and even weirder when she calls little old ladies dear.  and i would think from the look of disgust i give her she would figure out i'm NOT her sweetie.   we work in a professional setting.  i think it's totally inappropriate.

    so there, i feel your pain.  good luck!

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    i work with someone who calls everyone either sweetie, honey or dear.  this person is about 40, so it's a bit weird when she's calling other 40 year olds honey, and even weirder when she calls little old ladies dear.  and i would think from the look of disgust i give her she would figure out i'm NOT her sweetie.   we work in a professional setting.  i think it's totally inappropriate.

    so there, i feel your pain.  good luck!


    Is she a southerner?  I never realized how much I did it until I worked up north.  People got mad at me for saying Hon.  They thought I was being condescending.  That's just the way most people talk down south.  It's like saying "hey guy."  She probably has no idea that other people think it's inappropriate, or that she's even doing it.


    As for baby talk, I had an idiot coworker who thought that was the best way to talk to animals.  In most jobs, that wouldn't come up as a problem very often... but we worked out in the wilderness and on farmland.  When you see a cow every ten minutes and someone talks baby talk to every cow, you have the urge to hit them with the truck.  It was worse when it was an animal she didn't think was cute.  Then she would scream.

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    I love my FIL to death but he ran into my hubby and I in the grocery store a couple weeks ago and right in the refrigerator section on a Sunday when everyone in the world was there he kissed my belly and then rubbed it saying (rather loudly) "How is the baby?  Ohhhhhh look at that the baby's getting big" in baby talk.  My goal in life has always been to be wallpaper and I've never seen so many people give me such odd looks at one time!
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    Hahaha!  Now THAT is funny!  There are so many random abbreviations on here I just give up sometimes. Thanks for keeping it real.
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    um. ew.

    not gonna lie, i talk in baby talk to my cats. but not to humans. baby or otherwise. when i was a kid i picked up baby talking from some kid at school too, and i used it to get attention, when beforehand i had been speaking like a normal human being. my parents HATED it. they got my out of doing it by telling me i sounded more intelligent when i talked like a "grown up", so i quit talking like baby REAL quick.


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    did this start when you had a baby?  why would anyone think that baby talk, especially in a work place is OK? 
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    It drives me insane! This woman is in her 50's! When she calls me she ALWAYS says "Heh-whoa Mawissa!" Then she will speak normal, then go back to baby talk to say goodbye.

    There are 2 forms of baby talk... 1 is when you change words like... "bottle" to "baba" or in your case "marissa" to "mawissa".

    Then there is the 2nd form... the voice. when they change their voice to something sort of higher pitched, and they kinda squeeze their vocal cords together, so they also sound like a baby.

    Both are EXTREMELY annoying to me. My MIL and her sister's all do both of these things, and I can't stand it. Not only that, but they also do it in front of my baby. I'm starting to draw the line now. Anytime someone is around my child and they do that, I just give them a simple speech...

    "I don't mean to offend you by saying this or anything, but I have to insist that people can't do baby talk, or baby voice around my child. I don't want her to pick up on it, and I don't want her to refer to objects by names that aren't really the correct words for it. It has been proven to actually hinder children's development of speech and articulation by doing these things, and allowing them to go on."

    If people think I'm a *** for saying that... then so be it, I'm just doing my best for my child, and if people don't like it, and that includes my family or my Fiance's then so be it. it's my child, not theirs.

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    Ugh!! Baby talk to ANY human being drives me nuts. I agree with the speech therapist: it is NEVER good to use it around kids. 

    I would suggest just come straight out and tell her to quit. Something I have learned is people don't really pick up on subtle hints. Maybe writing it in an email if you have a hard time confronting people? I speak my mind better, (and nicer) if I write it down.  

    Good luck! 

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    OMG. I didn't realize this post was so old.


    Now I feel lame. 

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    My fiancee and I are expecting our first and I find this thread very interesting because pretty much all of my friends have 2 or 3 kids already and they would all make fun of me because I refused to talk to their babies in baby talk! Although, I have to admit I found myself on occasion saying "good boy/girl" and petting their cute little heads like I would a puppy :^) 

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    I'm a speech therapist, and one thing I have heard over and over is to NOT use baby talk. It can definitely affect a child's speech production. I am going to be really adamant about no baby talk around my son. It drives me crazy when I'm out in public and hear adults talking like that. I'd suggest dealing with the baby talking now, especially if your MIL will be keeping your baby every day. Hope this is helpful.

    I've heard the opposite, that it helps (small) babies learn to communicate. Maybe that's a different kind of baby talk, though, like the cooing.

    However, I hate it too. I feel for you that would drive me crazy. That's just plain weird. Why don't you ask recommend a good speech therapist to her, who could help her with her "Ls".


    When it comes to baby phrases such as 'Mama' instead of mother, or even 'Baba' instead of bottle, it's fine. It helps them become familiar with item-word association and expands their functioning. But when it comes to enunciating, and expanding their vocabulary it is definitely NOT the way to go. My (this is a long one) boyfriend's ex-wife who is the mother of his 1st child, CONSTANTLY talks to his 4yr old as if he's a moron, and says things like, "Him's feets is dirty-wurty." I constantly have to correct him when he returns from a rare visit with her. How you speak TO your child, is how they will LEARN to speak. Whatever their foundation is, especially up until age 5, will stick with them and they will grow off of that.

    @OP - Have you considered doing something equally annoying on a regular basis, and when she brings up that it bothers her, mention her baby talk? Personally, you're far nicer than I am. I would've said something on the first instance LOL

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    i would totally do it right back. Maybe she'll realize how dumb it sounds. Pregnancy Ticker
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    I'm guilty of silly voices sometimes, mostly when I'm changing LO's diaper because it helps him stay calm, but it's never anything resembling baby talk (Think "Oh-ho! Mister Ronan made his mommy a poopy present today!" in a voice resembling the cookie monster's)  but I have always been adamant with EVERY kid I have EVER taken care of not to encourage replacing consonants to sound more "cute." I have an ex coworker with a 2 year old son that constantly baby babbles at him, and always has, he just learned the word "mama" and that's only since a mutual friend has been taking care of her kids while she's at her new job.

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    I jsut announced my pregnancy at work last week and I had a female coworker come up to me today speaking in baby talk samying something rediculous like "who gonna be the bestest mamma" or something like that. I jsut stared at her without saying anything. Then (in a big girl voice) she said "you know, I'm gonna talk to you like that the whole way through". I replied, Um, no you're not, because I am not a baby". We'll see if she paid any attention within the next few days...

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    LOL i hate that 2 but i would just talk back to her the same way or talk to her and tell her that u dont like when she talks to u like that. but i dont blame u for been mad i would b 2 =)
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    THANK YOU for that post! I hate the abbreviations, enough already people. (Also, sorry about all of the baby-talking mother in laws, co-workers, etc. I honestly don't know if I could take that! I'd probably lose it after a while! :) Oh, also...heecump? Wow, I'm so sorry for you.
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    I can't even handle it when adults talk to babies in baby talk. Ugh! I have a co-worker who baby talks kids so badly it makes me want to scream! This is my first child so maybe when she gets here I'll somehow forget I hate baby talk and start doing it. But doesn't it make more sense to talk to them normally so they don't grow up mispronouncing words and sounding like an idiot? Just my thoughts.
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    I've used a bit of baby talk with all 4 of my kids and they all talk perfectly now :)

    3 of the 4 are sooooo social and will talk your ear off as soon as you meet them.  My second is very quiet, till you get him going.... then he won't stop talking!  lol

     So, if you do talk baby talk with your kids, please take this expert advice with a grain of salt.

     I also did a bit of baby signing with them as well as speaking different languages.  I think all of this helps their brain learn communication, and the baby talk helps them see that it's ok to mess up words when you are little.  Once they are big enough and hear the proper way it's pronounced, they immediately correct themselves.  You have to give kids more credit, their brains are tiny little sponges.

    Also, I think girls just develop speech quicker.  So, if you have a boy, and he's not talking yet, don't worry.  My DD spoke paragraphs at 18 mo., but my boys all took longer to talk but then talked non-stop once they did start talking, lol.

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    Have you tried talking back in baby talk?  That might freak her out and make her realize she is a tad bit <b>coo coo for cocoa puffs.</b>

    Hahahahaha! THIS! 


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    So far, so good! We love you, little peanut!

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    My best friend and her husband constantly talk in baby talk not only to their baby but to EACHOTHER (Horror!) its especially awful if I am trying to have a conversation with her and Poopy-poo is wondering where the mwilk is for his cheewios.  Fake barfing on the other end of the phone doesn't work.  You are going to have to be honest and brutal and nip it before it gets out of hand.  You cannot hide behind your voice machine forever, that doesn't seem to work either.
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    My best friend and her hubby talk in baby talk not only to their baby but also to EACHOTHER (Horror!) its especially awful when I am trying to have a conversation with her and Poopy Poo is wondering where the mwilk is for his cheewios.  BARF.  You have to say something mean to stop it or it will only get worse.....Trust me.
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    Sorry didn't mean to write that twice :]
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    Ugh! My DH and I had friends that would talk to each other in baby talk ALL THE TIME for years! Occasionally, it would even spill into conversation with us and other couples. I finally got so sick of it that every time they would start talking to each other in baby talk, I would glaze over my eyes and not pay attention. Then when they would direct it to me and/or my DH, I would put a confused look on my face and genuinely say, "I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that. What did you say?" Come to find out, when they would repeat it for the second or third time, they would enunciate for me. :) Worked like a charm!


    Good luck!

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