
Question for moms that had a repet c-section

How far before your due date was your c-section.  I always thought it was somewhere after 39 weeks (few days before due date).  A friend of mine said they did her the day she turned 38 weeks.  Im due Jan 12th as of right now and dd has a dentisit appt on Jan 5th.  I was thinking because its 7 days before my due date that my c-section would be a few days after so it would be fine to have it on that day.  I also would prefer the baby in stay in aslong as it can and 38 weeks just seems early for me.

So just wondering when your c-sections were planned.  My first appt is next week on thrusday so I will ask the doctor then and change her appt if needed.  Dh is also taking 2-3 weeks off after the baby is born so he could take dd aswell but I dont want to chance the c-section on the same day as her appt. 

Re: Question for moms that had a repet c-section

  • My OB schedules them at 39 weeks and no sooner.
    Child #1: 6 yo DD Child #2: 2yo DD
  • Mine was scheduled for 1 week prior. I was due November 5th and had my c-section October 29th.
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  • Mine was scheduled for 39 weeks. 
  • My Dr does scheduled c-sections in the 39th week...depends on his surgical schedule what day in the 39th week though... my Dr only does surgery on Thursdays (scheduled ones anyway- if it's an emergency and he's on call he obviously does them lol) so Loga was born at 39 weeks, 1 day.
  • My doctor said there can be insurance issues if a repeat scheduled c-section is prior to 39 weeks unless medically necassary. I was 39 weeks and 2 days I think.
  • Ok so its 39 weeks like I thought.  It seemed odd that her doctor wanted to do hers at 38 weeks. 
  • Mine was scheduled 8 days before my due date, but I ended up having it 2 weeks before my due date since DS was in distress .  I think it really depends on why you are having a repeat csection and if there are any underlying issues......but if it's a non complicated repeat csection I have always heard it's about a week before the due date.
  • Mine was scheduled for 39 weeks, if it is before that our hospital requires an amnio to make sure the lungs are mature.


    Reid 9-17-05 Grace 6-2-07 Owen 10-19-11
  • Mine was at 39 weeks.  My OB gave me the option of doing it at 38 weeks but only becasue I had unique circumstances. 
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  • My first c/s (scheduled) was at 37w6d due to placenta previa. This one is scheduled for 39w1d. 
    Aidan Jake 7/25/08 Cooper Cole 7/27/10 Tessa Morgan 8/9/12
  • Mine was scheduled at exactly 39 weeks. 
  • With DS it was 39 weeks.  With DD2 it was 38 weeks but that was because I was in a lot of pain due to kidney stones.  If it was scheduled any earlier than 38 weeks they would have had to do an amnio.
  • DS was at 39 weeks, and I just scheduled this c-section for 39 weeks and 1 day.
  • 39 weeks but I went into labor and wound up having my c/s at 37 weeks and 4 days.

  • 39 weeks. No sooner for my OB. And 39 weeks for me this time happens to be the same week DD starts kindergarten, so that should be interesting! I'm going to see if we can go a few days earlier (if baby is developed enough) or if we can wait until 40 weeks.
  • I just read something yesterday that said

    The induction or prompting of labor by medication, which is sometimes medically advisable but more often performed for the doctor's or patient's convenience, has climbed so steeply ? it now occurs in 22% of births ? that the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists felt compelled to advise its members last year to avoid inductions before 39 weeks' gestation.

     It was addressed as a possible reason for the US's rising rates of maternal mortality.  You can read the whole thing here:,0,7904662,full.story

    Jenni ~~Alex & Avery ~~ 6/13/06~~Adam ~~3/26/08

  • My first c-section was scheduled at 39 weeks.  My second c-section was scheduled at 39 weeks, 4 days.
    Natalie 7.27.07/Lukas 5.29.09/Noah 3.4.11/Brooke 7.31.12 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • There's been a study recently that shows unless there's reason to take the baby sooner (mom medical issues or baby's) that 39 weeks plus is the best time. The baby can have lots more issues if taken before then. So, more than likely, your doctor will schedule you at 39 weeks or after.

    That said, my C-Section is scheduled for 39 weeks 2 days. Smile GL!

    Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
    Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
  • I haven't had a C/S (yet - and hope it stays that way) but, my OB won't do anything before 39w.  And, she only does inductions / scheduled C/S on Tuesdays.  So, depending on what day you change weeks, you could be 39w even, or all the way up to 39,6d.  Obviously, emergencies arise, but she doesn't schedule anything until minimum of 39w.
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