Baby Names

Spelling - Girls Name

We've decided to name our daughter Madeline Rey McLastname (middle name is a family name and family spelling). We'll pronounce it Mad-a-lynn, I prefer spelling it Madeline but keep being told people will call her Mad-a-line.

TTC #1 Sept 2008
M/C 9/21/09 | M/C 12/24/09 | BFP 1/23/10
Madeline Rey DOB 9/30/10
TTC # 2 Jan 2013
BFP 3/12/13 | EDD 11/18/13
It's a GIRL! Lydia Marie!
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Re: Spelling - Girls Name

  • That's tough!!  I like the same spelling as you but you may have to correct pronounciation.  Mind you, we have had to correct people on the pronounciation of our son's name even though it is spelled phonetically.  I think if it was me, I would stick to Madaline and correct people.  It just looks the nicest to me.
  • kiki4kiki4 member
    My niece's name is Madeline, and pronounced Mad-a-Lynn; to the best of my knowledge, no one has ever called her Mad-a-line.
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  • Have you considered Madeleine? Too me, I would pronounce this Made-lynn whereas Madeline is pronounced Made-line (like draw a line).

    So I prefer the Madeleine or Madelyn spelling.

  • imageHappyMrsK:

    Have you considered Madeleine? Too me, I would pronounce this Made-lynn whereas Madeline is pronounced Made-line (like draw a line).

    So I prefer the Madeleine or Madelyn spelling.

    Hmmm...I've always pronounced Madeleine like a line and Madeline to go either way.  I prefer Madeline. The "lyn" ending is to trendy for me.

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  • JaimeCHJaimeCH member
    I read Madeline as Mad-ah-line, not -lynn. Just to play devils advocate, how would you spell Mad-ah-line? Since they are both pretty common names, I would choose the spelling that creates the least confusion. 
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  • I like Madeleine the best.
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  • imageJaimeCH:
    I read Madeline as Mad-ah-line, not -lynn. Just to play devils advocate, how would you spell Mad-ah-line? Since they are both pretty common names, I would choose the spelling that creates the least confusion.
    I would spell it the same way, Madeline. ;) So I agree it could be confusing if we spelt it Madeline but pronouced it "lynn" at the end.

    I'll have to run Madeleine past my H to see what he thinks.

    TTC #1 Sept 2008
    M/C 9/21/09 | M/C 12/24/09 | BFP 1/23/10
    Madeline Rey DOB 9/30/10
    TTC # 2 Jan 2013
    BFP 3/12/13 | EDD 11/18/13
    It's a GIRL! Lydia Marie!
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  • I prefer the french spelling  Madeleine.
  • mrs1916mrs1916 member

    Have you considered Madeleine? Too me, I would pronounce this Made-lynn whereas Madeline is pronounced Made-line (like draw a line).

    So I prefer the Madeleine or Madelyn spelling.


  • I voted for Madelynn but meant to vote for Madelyn (only one n).  I think that's the easiest way to make sure it's pronounced the way you like.  I don't think it's necessary to change the e to an a in the middle, though.  And when I see Madeline, I usually say Made-lyn; whereas when I see Madeleine I say Made-line.  Though for some reason I only follow that rule with this name.  For example, Emaline is Ema-line not Ema-lyn.  Evangeline = evan-ge-line.  So I can see how it would be mispronounced.
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  • image*Amy*:
    I prefer the french spelling  Madeleine.

    The traditional French pronunciation is actually Mad-uh-line, not Mad-uh-lynn.  My MIL is Madeline, pronounced the way you want, and no one has ever mispronounced her name.  I'd stick with tradition on this one. 

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  • I named my daughter Madelyn!  Love that spelling!  
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  • when I read the name "mad-a-line" didn't even occur to me.  I would def have pronounced it "mad-a-lynn"
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  • I pronounce Madeline like line just like Caroline. Madelyn is pronounced "lynn" like Carolyn. I would never pronounce Madeline like "lynn".
  • Madeline I'd pronounce Mad-e-line, like in the children's story.  I know some people really don't like names with "y", but this to me is an example where, if you sacrifice the traditional spelling for Madelyn, more people will pronounce it the way you want it to be.  So, it's a trade-off which you prefer, a less ambiguous spelling for the pronunciation you want, or a traditional spelling.

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