
NPR: What was for first car?

A coworker is buying their 16 year old a brand new car for her birthday.

I cannot imagine getting a car for my birthday. I was stuck with an old beater ('78 Chevy). What was your first car?

Re: NPR: What was for first car?

  • 86 chevrolet station wagon, manual (smaller version, I called it the snack getter instead of grocery getter).

    It was grey and I decked it out with hot pink mud flaps, pin striping, hot pink wheel cover, etc. Oh ya, it was majorily tacky.

  • 1981 two toned (banana/tan) Ford Fairmont (got it in 1995)

    Had the old fashion radio with the push buttons & the horn was on the steering column with the blinkers (you know the rod you push up & down for the blinkers - well you pushed it in for the horn).  I loved going through inspection having the guys scratch their head as to where the horn was.  You also had to pull a knob to get the lights on.

    This car was awesome on how many friends I could pile in but suck everytime it rained.  The distributor was on the bottom so when I hit a puddle it would stall.  Finally a friends BIL had the same car when they were new & sprayed something on it to protect it from the elements.

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  • a 92' chevy corsica (I was 16 in 1999)... that caught on fire and blew up the month it would have been paid off. :( (I had to make all the payments on it.)
  • 94 chevy corsica

    I didn't own a car until I was 22.

  •  A brand new '99 Honda Civic that I paid for myself.

  • 1988 metallic sky blue toyota tercel hatchback with a manual transmission.  This was in 1998.  I was allowed to buy it from my mom for $500 because the mechanic recommended it no longer be driven over 40 mph.  I also had to pay the insurance, gas, registration, and other costs myself and only was allowed to have it if I ran errands for my mom.
    imageimageBaby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • YodajoYodajo member
    I drove my mom's Thunderbird and then I bought my own car when I was 18. It was a Sapporo, which I bet no one has ever heard of!
    DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12
  • A used Corvette. My dad was a mechanic though, so he fixed it up for me.
  • imagecristiana:
    A used Corvette. My dad was a mechanic though, so he fixed it up for me.

    Nice! What year?

  • 96 Pontiac Sunfire.  I drove it for 11 years.
  • My first car was a Ford Explorer DH and I bought, I was maybe 22-23. I never drove it though because I was scared to drive.

    I've since put my fear aside and have become a proud NY driver. Although I can't parallel park for crap.

  • That thing was a BEAST!   1985 chevy station wagon, that had the flip up back seat/3rd row.

    The thing shook whenever you went above 30 mph and below 65 mph.    

    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • imagebutterbeansmama:

    A used Corvette. My dad was a mechanic though, so he fixed it up for me.

    Nice! What year?

    An '86 hard top. He also had his own, a red '76 (i think) t-top. He loved corvettes!

  • brand new Hyundai Excel hatchback

    YEAH biitches, suck it!   Cool


  • imager9stedt:

    That thing was a BEAST!   1985 chevy station wagon, that had the flip up back seat/3rd row.

    The thing shook whenever you went above 30 mph and below 65 mph.    

    ah, I had a great time in mine, although I could see the road from the floorboard on the drivers side. Yikes!

  • 1986 gmc Jimmy.  I was the 3rd owner and my dad was really great friends with the other owners.  I got it in 2000 in my second year of high school.
  • A 1989 honda accord
    {Ava 5.16.06} {Ella 12.29.07} {Drew 2.9.10}
  • '88 Buick LaSabre T-type.  Leather, Bose stereo, loaded.  My dad got it in the divorce settlement, lol.  

    I crashed it 6 mos later.

    Since then I've had a 90 Grand Prix (rolled it 18 mos later), 95 Monte Carlo, 96 Jetta, 02 Jetta wagon, 05 CR-V, 09 Odyssey van (for 6 mos), and now an 02 8th vehicle in 14 years!   

  • imagecristiana:

    A used Corvette. My dad was a mechanic though, so he fixed it up for me.

    Nice! What year?

    An '86 hard top. He also had his own, a red '76 (i think) t-top. He loved corvettes!

    We like corvettes too. DH has a 63 convertible (red).

  • 1994 Chevy Cavalier
  • 1990 Plymouth Sundance in blue. Loved that car. It had ZERO bells and whistles. It wasn't supposed to have cruise control but it was advertised that way when my aunt bought it, so they had to install it. Drove it till it died.

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
  • A 2-door Toyota hatchback. Can't remember if it was a Camry or Corolla and it was a mid to late 80s model.
  • image

    I have you all beat. I drove a 1978 GMC Pacer that was diarrhea brown.

  • 92 Ford Explorer that my parents had already paid off. My stepdad was  ready to upgrade so they just passed it down to me, then he got omething new(ish). I loved that car!

    I did get a new car for graduation 2 yrs later though.

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  • I got my mom's hand-me-down. It was a 99 Pontiac 6000LE. LOL
    Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
    Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
  • 1979 Pontiac Phoenix for which I paid $1200, myself.

    I didn't get a car until I was almost 18 and on my way to college.

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • I didn't get a car until my last year of college (and it was my 5th year).  It was a 14 year old Nissan X something.  I can't even remember the model anymore!  It was a hatchback, a complete piece of junk.  I had to ask my room mate to jump it for me about 2-3 times a week.  It finally died on me in the middle of rush hour on one of the busiest freeways in Houston, with no shoulder.  Awesome.
  • Oh c'mon!  I know somebody got a new car for their 16th?   Is everybody afraid to post it?
  • '65 VW bug, all fixed up it was in cherry condition. It was my moms extra car. Got stollen from my $$ private hs. Why they couldn't steal one of the dozensof new luxury cars, I don't know. After that, a 1979 Ford Granada in a butterscotch. Sweet.

    I bought my first new car at age 25, a 2000 Jetta that I still drive. Just turned 230,000 miles.
    DD 7.28.06 * DS 3.29.10

    Christmas 2011
  • patty78patty78 member
    My sister and I are twins and my parents bought us a new Chevy Barretta to share. 
  • imagemattslady:
    Oh c'mon!  I know somebody got a new car for their 16th?   Is everybody afraid to post it?


    I did not get one but my parents did my an awesome Nissan Sentra that was a '93.  I was 16 in '97.  It didn't have a/c, and was kind of sketchy.  Although, it wasn't really mine - I was just the oldest so the first to drive.  Once I went off to college, it was my brother's.

    I got an '01 Civic my sophomore year of college, and it was brand new.  I paid for it though with a little help from my parents (they matched the down payment I had saved).

    Lots of people I went to school with got brand new cars, however.  I was just po' comparatively I guess.  Poor me.

    Not gonna lie, I'd probably buy Jackson a new car at 16 if it made the most sense and I had the money.  But we all know how I love to spoil him!

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