I just wanted to say thank you! It seems silly, I guess, but I came across your breastfeeding blog and it has really encouraged me. I have found almost no support so far online, and I know that when we tell our families about #2 I'll get the "So you'll quit breastfeeding now, right?" I really want to make it to a year. I know it won't be easy, but just the thought of weaning right now freaks me out.
I am drinking water like crazy, been eating lactation cookies, been eating period, and I know I haven't had any dips in supply yet. DD seems to be nursing like crazy lately, too.
Anyway, I've rambled long enough. Hope you are having a good day!
Re: *Caitlin*
you're welcome! you are very sweet....I didnt know anyone read it
I think the most important thing is that you are happy and baby is happy. Many of my friends and family probably questioned me BFing while pg, but they knew I was content, and I was armed with the facts when they have comments, so they couldnt say much to me.
Don't stress too much, just keep doing what you doing. Some women have no issues Bfing while pg at all. Just take it one day at a time. And realize that if your supply does go down that you could cut back on a feeding or two, but you may not have to stop totally.
It was very important to me to keep nursing as a constant in my life and DS's. As morbid as it sounds, I was also not going to wean and then if something bad happend to the pregnancy, I didnt want to have two losses you know what I mean?
You have to do what works for you.