
Pampers Dry Max?? Your thoughts?


I am hearing BAD things about this new product..what is your experiance!


Re: Pampers Dry Max?? Your thoughts?

  • DD didn't get a rash from them, which is so strange because her skin is super sensitive, but they S*CKed at containing her pee.  Seriously awful.  And the sag was ridiculous.  Moved on to Target brand.
    Jesse - mommy of Brooke 6/15/06 and Taylor 9/1/07 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image
  • Dislike them a lot!

    We also had problems w/ rashes.  And she seemed really irritated by the elastic.  She kept scratching and pulling at them.  

    We switched to Target's Up & Up brand and so far they've been great.  No leaks, no smelly "Pampers smell", and her rash has cleared up.   

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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  • Because this is my 3rd, family keeps dropping off diapers in lieu of clothes.  I keep returning the dry max because my kids have sensitive skin, but today I opened a pkg by mistake.  DD wore 2 dry max diapers (I spaced them out with non dry max pampers) and she was okay so far.  I'm keeping a close eye out for rashes.  I like the new huggies with stretchy waist I got samples of and also I have heard good things about Target.  Once the gift giving is over I may go to target brand.


    DD #1 did get a rash after using our store brand diapers (Wegmans.)

  • We haven't had any trouble.  I like them as much as I liked the old ones.
    Jenni ~~Alex & Avery ~~ 6/13/06~~Adam ~~3/26/08

  • No issues for us. They also seem to work better than the old style for DS.
  • There have been so many complaints that the CPSC is investigating.
    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • My mom just bought a huge box of them to use when Molly is at her house and gave me some since it will take forever for her to use them.  Molly seems to get red and a slight rash even though I change her frequently.  I never used to have that problem with her before they changed.  She has fairly sensitive skin, but I've been using the Target Up and Up diapers for awhile and they have worked great.
    Gavin - 12.05.06 and Molly - 10.22.08
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  • Knock on wood, but I haven't had any issues with them yet. I'm almost through one entire package. Now grated, he only wears them at home (and not for overnight) b/c they supply diapers at preschool and it's an off-brand. But he's in them full time on the weekends and I haven't seen any rashes or leaks.
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