I have posted a couple times about how clumsy M is. Well, the past couple days she has been complaining that her neck hurts. It's probably because she falls 100 times a day and she hurt it that way, but I called the pedi to see if I should bring her in because I am sort of freaking myself out. Yesterday we were at the mall and I had to leave because she fell at least 5 times and everytime she would cry, obviously. Selfishly, It was more that I was irritated by having to console her and stop ever 5 minutes. So, since then I have been paying more attention to the way she walks/moves. She stumbles CONSTANTLY! She can barely stand up straight without wobbling. I started BALLING while I was on the phone with the nurse when she told me I better just bring her in. So, we go in the morning and now I am freaking out. Please pray that she just has a sore neck and is a clumsy kid!!!
Re: Cross your fingers for us!
Aiden 10.17.07 Emma 07.15.10