3rd Trimester

Stomach sleeping at 38+ weeks?

Anyone still sleep on their stomach?  I always attempt to sleep on my side but always wake up on my stomach.  My MW says I'm not harming the baby but I feel awful everytime I wake up, like I've completely crushed him!!  But I can't help how I move when I'm sleeping....  Just curious if anyone else does the same thing?
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Re: Stomach sleeping at 38+ weeks?

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    I can't physically roll onto my stomach. Indifferent
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    This belly is so huge I'm in shock how you get onto your belly?
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    I am in awe of how that is logistically possible? 
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    This belly is so huge I'm in shock how you get onto your belly?

    Well, I stick on leg out, so it is kinda like I'm half on my stomach...if that makes sense?  Yeah I don't know how I do it either...but I am a hardcore stomach sleeper and it is the only way my body will go into a deep sleep for some reason.

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    I am in awe of how that is logistically possible? 

    L'ingOL!! This...

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    This belly is so huge I'm in shock how you get onto your belly?

    Well, I stick on leg out, so it is kinda like I'm half on my stomach...if that makes sense?  Yeah I don't know how I do it either...but I am a hardcore stomach sleeper and it is the only way my body will go into a deep sleep for some reason.

    That's how I always end up sleeping.  I consider it my side!  :D

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    I can't physically roll onto my stomach. Indifferent

    This. haha. 

    DD#1 is 3! And LO#2 is on his/her way! Due Feb 26th, 2014.


    BFP#1: EDD 5/7/2010 born on 5/20/2010. A little girl named Emily.  

    BFP#2: m/c 10/29/2012 EDD was 6/21/2012 Baby Hope was 6 weeks 3 days. 

    BFP#3: Twin B stopped growing at 8 weeks and 5 days. Found on 8/10/2014. EDD was 2/26/2014. Twin A is still doing great and due date is 2/26/14. 


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    This belly is so huge I'm in shock how you get onto your belly?

    Well, I stick on leg out, so it is kinda like I'm half on my stomach...if that makes sense?  Yeah I don't know how I do it either...but I am a hardcore stomach sleeper and it is the only way my body will go into a deep sleep for some reason.

    I still sleep like that, but it's starting to get more and more difficult!

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    I always roll onto my stomach in my sleep! If LO is uncomfortable he usually lets me know, but I always feel so bad when I wake up on my belly.
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    I am in awe of how that is logistically possible? 

    L'ingOL!! This...

    I think cutting a hole in the mattress would be the ideal solution to this problem. 

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    Love it! I've been dying to go to the beach so I could dig a hole to put my belly in and get some tummy time. I've been a belly sleeper my whole life!!!
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    This belly is so huge I'm in shock how you get onto your belly?

    Well, I stick on leg out, so it is kinda like I'm half on my stomach...if that makes sense?  Yeah I don't know how I do it either...but I am a hardcore stomach sleeper and it is the only way my body will go into a deep sleep for some reason.

    This is totally me...I feel like a freak show. I have no idea how I get on my stomach...but somehow I do...and I do not have a little bump.

    ETA: oops...I somehow overlooked the 38+ part of your  post...

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    Love it! I've been dying to go to the beach so I could dig a hole to put my belly in and get some tummy time. I've been a belly sleeper my whole life!!!

    To the OP- I do the same thing... it's SO comfy but baby gets all squirmy and kicking so I move and feel a little guilty.

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    Yeah, I sleep as much on my stomach as I can because LO tends to be posterior. I kind pf prop myself up on one leg too, plus there is a body pillow in there somewhere too. But every once in a while he will really start pushing back like "hey ma you are crushing me!" and then I will move :)
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    BFab11BFab11 member
    For me it's not physically possible.
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    ZOMG! I would think that digging a hole at the beach is the PERFECT solution!!! That is creative and awesome!!!!
    photo maymommy2014.jpg
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    I'd say sure why not, if I could DO it... I dont think you would do enough to hurt baby, but if your belly is so big its physically impossible, then obviously laying on your tummy wouldnt be a good idea. I can't do it at all, my belly is too forward and rounded.
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    My midwife has always told me to sleep however I can get comfortable, she has said that my body and my baby will let me know if a position is no longer okay.  I am a hardcore stomach sleeper and make an effort to stay as close to "on my stomach" as possible through my whole pregnancy...when I can't sleep on my stomach anymore...I pretty much stop sleeping...Sad
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    I can't do this. LO freaks out when there's any additional pressure on my belly. 
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    kg_08kg_08 member
    Wow.... I sleep kinda half on my side/half stomach like with one leg sticking out, but I can't imagine full on sleeping on my stomach. It isn't possible at all for me. The belly is too big, and it HURTS!
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    This belly is so huge I'm in shock how you get onto your belly?

    Well, I stick on leg out, so it is kinda like I'm half on my stomach...if that makes sense?  Yeah I don't know how I do it either...but I am a hardcore stomach sleeper and it is the only way my body will go into a deep sleep for some reason.

     I do the same move, although its starting to get uncomfy. I also feel like I'm smushing Baby Girl and get that guilty feeling even though my doc says its fine!

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    This belly is so huge I'm in shock how you get onto your belly?

    Well, I stick on leg out, so it is kinda like I'm half on my stomach...if that makes sense?  Yeah I don't know how I do it either...but I am a hardcore stomach sleeper and it is the only way my body will go into a deep sleep for some reason.


    I do the exact same thing!!! I can't really sleep any other way! I thought I was the only one. I don't feel bad, I need all the sleep I can get!

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    This belly is so huge I'm in shock how you get onto your belly?

    Well, I stick on leg out, so it is kinda like I'm half on my stomach...if that makes sense?  Yeah I don't know how I do it either...but I am a hardcore stomach sleeper and it is the only way my body will go into a deep sleep for some reason.


    I do the exact same thing!!! I can't really sleep any other way! I thought I was the only one. I don't feel bad, I need all the sleep I can get!

    Me too.... it works for me... I try to rotate each leg... I think of my baby as a rotisserie chicken, I want to make sure all sides are done equally!!!

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