Ok, my realistic side knows not to freak out and stress too much, but my crazycakes side is mentally compiling a list of things to do before she comes over that looks like this: clean baseboards, hide matches, do all laundry, touch up paint in bathroom where holes were patched, clean fridge, reorganize pantry, wash ?window screens, weed lawn....
What advice can you give me before I wear holes through my cleaning gloves?
Also, we went to the transracial parenting workshop. ?It was really amazing, and we had all kinds of "difficult" conversations as a group about racial identity, privilege as it relates to race, the subtle racism that exists, etc. ? We were given a 50 page workbook at the end to continue our personal journey into the subject. ?I've been through about 1/3 of it and it's been put together really well. ?
Re: first official meeting with our social worker next week
I feel the same way. We have our first meeting on Wednesday. It's not our homestudy, just meeting and I'm going to clean ALL weekend.
I know it sounds impossible, but try to relax. Your SW is not trying to disqualify you. She just wants to see that your home is safe for a child. I'd just make sure to pick up clutter, and have the house presentable as you would if you were having company over.